Reviews for Shades of Grey
Diaflower chapter 13 . 1/6/2019
First of all, this story is amazing. I love how you took a character (Saguru? Hakuba? Whatever.) and added to him. From what I know of him so far (which is pretty much based off of lots of ffs, since I haven't seen the anime or read the manga yet), he seemed like a slightly interesting character, but I probably wouldn't like him enough to continue. This Hakuba I would. Second, thank you for asking Ellen Brand about borrowing Cade. I really enjoy having Cade around. He's normal enough to be the one that stands out, but people don't always notice, I think? He is the one who knows who Danny is, in suit and out, based on a variety of things, and he provides a voice of calm logic/reason and help that the characters should get, but maybe don't, as I think Ellen Brand said at on point. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
Kay chapter 13 . 8/5/2018
Awesome! This is sooooooo good! Hopefully you’ll be able to update someday, but even as-is its a great story and I’d even put it on my suggested must-reads for all Detective Conan / Magic Kaito fans!
Red Moon Lollipop chapter 13 . 12/14/2017
Oooh this is a really interesting concept, I like it a lot!
lumutness chapter 2 . 2/23/2017
Wow, interesting fanfic. I didn't understand it years ago when I read this (maybe because my poor English back then), but now... Colorblind, twins Hakuba, with OCD? (it looks like OCD from here anyway)

Yep. Interesting indeed.

Your OC looks promising, also. Even though... why does the twin has European name, when Saguru has Japanese name? Is that a compromise from their parents? Hmm. And I'm curious about who Aidan is.
Eyeinthesky chapter 3 . 1/27/2017
It would be interesting to see his POV on the other dectective boys as well.
Eyeinthesky chapter 2 . 1/27/2017
I like how you fill in Hakuba and give him depth and color. There is so little of him (the Magic Kaito manga being short and with him very rarely showing up in Detective Conan) that it is hard to feel as much attachment to the character as there is to Shinichi, Heiji, and Kaito.
Midnight1906 chapter 13 . 1/8/2017
Please don't abandon this!
HuntressXHunter chapter 3 . 8/23/2016
Wait does Saguru have a thing for Aoko
HuntressXHunter chapter 2 . 8/23/2016
I actually like how you describe his prospective
Guest chapter 12 . 6/6/2016
It took me a bit to catch on to what exactly Hakuba is doing with edge, and his pulses; but this story has a unique flavor, great characterization, and generates a lot of interest-which, coming from me is saying something since Hakuba is not my favorite character. I do hope you continue with this as I would love to see where you will take it. It is so nicely written. Thank you for writing!
arccie chapter 13 . 10/10/2015
This was a very interesting read.

Thoroughly enjoyable.

Love to see where you go with developing Hakuba's knowledge of other peoples' 'edges'.
Wynter Spite chapter 13 . 4/26/2015
Interesting, very interesting. I like the interactions between Hakuba and Kuroba. The way it's written is fascinating. I do hope you will write more. It's okay if it's not anytime soon, inspiration comes in its own time, as I know well. :)
staidwaters chapter 13 . 1/7/2015
So very very wonderful. I love your voice. There's something about the way you write Suguru's ...ability? and how he perceves and interacts with the world that makes it seem almost realer than reality, like the world on the other side of the mirror always seems. Much enjoyed.
Lunar Hikari chapter 13 . 10/3/2014
Okay wow how do you manage to do all my favorite things? I love told-only-through-messages/not-dialogue-and-description stories/chapters. I love you for this so very much. And i thought I saw a similarity between this and An Unprofessional Opinion and couldn't stop grinning as a result.
The longer this story goes on, the more I desperately want Eric and Kaito to meet. I feel like it could either go fabulously (by which I mean mass terror from everyone around them and exasperation/participation on Saguru's part) or end in blood. I'm honestly not sure which would be better.
Lunar Hikari chapter 12 . 10/3/2014
I am keeping an eagle eye on all your stories from now on holy crap. also will review the next chapter as soon as I read it because i HAVE to review this one I HAVE TO.
I love how you tied Saguru in with the Black Star plotline - I've always thought it's a shame how in series they don't actually show all that much interaction between Kid and Saguru, despite him being Kid's primary chaser. And here you are making everything amazing and seriously so much love. And yeah, now that you mention it in here, Kaito does have a rather distressing suicidal streak. Like, wow Kaito, I get that if you get arrested Snake is gonna kill you (and probably everyone you know) but seriously put a little bit more thought into your escapes we really don't need another Nightmare incident oh god how is that gonna turn out in this universe i am suddenly TERRIFIED because you are TOO GOOD at the emotions thing and I think I'm gonna need to ready myself to bawl uncontrollably when that inevitably happens.
okay imma read the next one now stay awesome Oci!
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