Reviews for Thirteen Reasons Why
Guest chapter 19 . 6/12/2018
I want to cry
Guest chapter 6 . 8/25/2017
is sakura meant to come up as an asshole who blames her friends for no reason?

i can understand being mad at gaara and ino..but being mad at hinata for being nice is kinda stupid..and being mad at sai for thinking you are hot is also stupid...
youknees chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
When i read the title, omg is this story same with the series? Waaaaa. It is.
sunashiii chapter 19 . 6/9/2015
I cried so bad. You have a true talent. Your writing is so rarely seen now a days. You have a talent to connect with the readers so well. To make them feel what the characters felt. It was so overwhelming and over powering. I truly loved the story.
Shion Lee chapter 18 . 10/10/2014
My eyes wet helppp ;_;
Nykx chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
I couldn't stop reading until the end. Wow! This story just hits a person. I don't know how to explain it but this story is just something everyone has to read.
MariaLuvsYew chapter 18 . 6/22/2014
That was...a happy ending. A much better one than the actual book. You know, with Clay just reaching out for Sky then just ending. This one is much more justifying. Thank you for writing this, really. It was an amazing read and it just makes me want to write an ShikaIno one even more. Not even playing.
MariaLuvsYew chapter 14 . 6/22/2014
Oh my gosh. I am so relieved! She still blamed him, but not in the way I thought she would and now I'm tearing up again.

By the way, wasn't expecting Neji to be the poem stealer, lol.
MariaLuvsYew chapter 12 . 6/22/2014
That's awful. What he did. It was a joke to him. The whole thing. And he did it much in a worse way than in the actual book. At least he felt bad for it though. Unlike the bastard in the book who said she just needed a reason to kill herself. But you're right. The book does give me an uneasy feeling. An extremely uneasy feeling. Yours makes me legit want to cry. And that's a great power that you have with your writing that you should be proud of.
MariaLuvsYew chapter 11 . 6/22/2014
Why are you doing this to me? You giving me greater emotions than the actual book. :(((
MariaLuvsYew chapter 10 . 6/22/2014
Damn, my eyes have tears in them and my heart feels like it's in pieces. When Sakura read that poem and Sasuke said it was him that wrote it then the fact that Sakura knows that it was Sasuke who wrote it. God, why do I get the feeling she's going to yell and blame him for not trying? I want to cry with just the thought of that. Then Naruto's part at the end of this also killed me.

I also wasn't expecting Tenten to be back rub girl. Girl who ran over stop sigh, yes(because that's what I was going to do), but back rub girl too? Dang. Then she blamed Sakura! Even a greater twist. You're an amazing author.
MariaLuvsYew chapter 8 . 6/22/2014
Woah, Kankourou's the peeping tom in here?! I was NOT expecting that. Is it bad that I kinda want to laugh at that fact? I read the book already(I can't stop reading it either), but I legit was not expecting Kankourou(pretty sure I'm spelling his name wrong) to be the freaking peeping tom!

Wait, then does this mean, by the things you've written so far, and if you follow the book, Ino is going to get raped, Gaara(I think I spelled is name wrong too) is going to let it happen, and Naruto's the one with the second set of tapes?

If I'm right about Naruto, then I wasn't expecting that either. Although, I'm not surprised. I actually want him to have the second set of tapes. And Sai! Wasn't expecting him to be the one to tell Sasuke to throw a rock at Mr. Peeping Bastard's window. But nice spin there! Having him tell Sasuke that he knows he did wrong but at least he wasn't like Sasuke and failed. Him acknowledging what he himself did then blaming Sasuke? Legit made me want to cry. Now your story is getting to me because no one blamed Clay in the book even though he was a little indirectly at fault for Hannah's death. I can't stop reading this. You don't know how long I've been wanting to make a Naruto version of Thirteen Reasons Why and I'm glad that I found this.

Would you mind if I still did though? I feel like I'd be copying you if I did even though I really want to. It's totally okay if you wouldn't want me to.
kim123kn chapter 19 . 5/28/2014
You are an amazing author. I recently read 13 Reasons Why so I was excited to find this fanfic. Some parts of this fanfic made me cry a bit but that's why I loved it! :)
GrayHime13 chapter 18 . 5/3/2014
I'm crying when I read this chapter... You're an amazing author you know? Honestly... All of the chapter before is very angst... This Fiction is great I love this
Guest chapter 19 . 2/25/2014
Oh.. My.. God.. This was amazing and like I cried! I cannot bear to think sakura killing herself I LOVE YOU AUTHOR thoeee..
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