Reviews for Drabbles Of The King
Kyrara chapter 8 . 4/24/2015
I love how all these drabbles manage to be funny, insightful and sad in so few words (except for the one about Socks. That was just sad. and Heartbreaking). I like the last one especially - something about the Calling always speaks to the drama-girl inside of me.
1752890 chapter 8 . 3/14/2010
It seems that with every piece of writing I am put right in the middle of what's happening, evening with these little scenes here. They're nice, simple, realistic, and heart-warming, though now I wonder what that witch is up to...

Anyway, thanks for sharing your gift and I look forward to your next missive :)
mille libri chapter 8 . 3/14/2010
I liked the way these built up, and was definitely not expecting the last two. I think the Roses one was my favorite.
MorwennaTheWicked chapter 8 . 3/13/2010
Very nice and poignant synopsis of 30 years of life, Rhia. There were some verb tense and preposition problems, but those were minor. I wish I knew the background behind the challenge.