Reviews for Chad Dylan Cooper Is All Man
Starbucks3894 chapter 2 . 8/27/2010
BAHAHAHA! Yes, cinnamon buns are da bomb. They have super secret magical powers of bringing lovers to the realization that they are IN FACT very much in love. XD
ThExEnglisHxDeviL chapter 1 . 6/12/2010
OMG I bet he looked totally ridiculous and how did Zora manage to just vanish from under the table? I bet she did a Matilda.

35456876713627 chapter 2 . 3/15/2010
Please Please continue!
accidental laughter chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
Oh my goodness i loved it! :)

When i got to the part where zora went back under the table, i realized that this is exactly like the show! Im sure Disney couldve made this an episode! ( if it didnt have Cougar town ) I loved every bit of it:))

( and I Saw this episode of cougar town . It was hilarious! I dont get to watch it much anymore, especially when my moms in the room. aparently the show mentions sex too much. eh. And the Guy across the street is my favorite too ! I think Jewel and the hot neighboor guy should date. )

Ok, sorry if its too long, but long story short, i loved your story :)

luckyme123 chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
lmao! i can just picture chad(sterling) playin on 'Namida' like tht! XD

i luved it! :)

update soon! D

SonnyChadFan chapter 1 . 3/13/2010
I LOVED this! Chad was so random and crazy! Lol! It was hilarious! Chad's officially become a random! Update soon!