Reviews for Inheritance
zeusfluff chapter 4 . 2/13/2014
Ok, I just finished reading this from start to finish, and now I'm just wondering if you were going to continue?

I would like to know what happens next!


NightingaleComics chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
I wonder what Deanna will say when she sees him. I hope that both Rikers will talk with Ro about his mother and the time she spent on the Enterprise
Guest chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
great story, please update soon!
tomrikersfakesideburns chapter 4 . 9/11/2012
I was ambivalent to the premise, but the writing is sharp, and the voices of the characters are pitch perfect. The cameo by Dr. Bashir was a great touch and a very nicely constructed scene. I hope more chapters are coming. I'm looking forward to seeing where Ro Thomas's journey takes him.
jojobevco chapter 4 . 10/4/2011
Good story
GoddessAnjanee chapter 4 . 1/28/2011
update, update !
GoddessAnjanee chapter 3 . 1/28/2011
there is going to be trouble!
GoddessAnjanee chapter 2 . 1/28/2011
GoddessAnjanee chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
great start indeed!
TheVulcanPrincess chapter 4 . 1/8/2011
Great start to a story. I look forward to reading more.
Rockinrachy chapter 4 . 10/31/2010
Loving this.

Any chance of an update soon?

Preety Please? :)
GhostLord chapter 4 . 10/9/2010
This story has an excellent premise. It certainly does Ro Laren justice. I always felt that the fate the Next Generation writers gave her was unsatisfying. The audience can ultimately assume she was killed when the Cardassians wiped out the Maqui.
Rockinrachy16 chapter 4 . 9/28/2010
Love it that you've updated :P

Nice update; can we expect more soon?
autumnrose2010 chapter 4 . 9/28/2010
I wish that Ro Laren had lived. :(
BritMonkey chapter 3 . 5/17/2010
Seriously loving this UPDATE please :D
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