Reviews for So What Now
Karykar chapter 22 . 6/27
Dun dun dun... Can't wait to read what happens!
Karykar chapter 5 . 6/27
Ding, ding. Pregnant. I have read several stories where Rose is pregnant with Dimitri's baby. Eager to see how this story plays out.
Karykar chapter 1 . 6/27
Hey, just got started with this story. So, to answer the questions:
1. Lissa is starting to feel Rose, no thoughts yet, just feelings. (Maybe it will fully open both ways in the next chapters?)
2. I have my reservations for the talk, it can go either way, they can be adults and talk very calmly or they can both explode and it can be a total disaster.
3. Oh! Definitely pregnant.
Pixiedavin95 chapter 66 . 5/26
I am so glad you have written another chapter...I have been checking back for an update for what felt like years
Libb86 chapter 66 . 5/1
I love the story so far are you going to finish it soon.
Guest chapter 46 . 6/25/2019
I really liked this chapter and sadly should stop reading for tonight cause it’s 3:30 AM and last night I got only 4 hours of sleep and the night before that no sleep. I just wanted to tell you how much I love what you did with Emma bringing her in and all. Also I love this series so much I don’t sleep much and read this when I have any free time. Actually I just read it no matter what, I’ll be busy and then suddenly think of it and just start reading from my phone. My best friend says I’m a total nerd and shouldn’t read that much. She means it the best way possible tho. But yeah... goodnight!
Guest chapter 40 . 6/24/2019
I really do love what you did. I never really liked Rose with both Adrian and Dimtri and I thought she shouldn’t be with Dimtri after Adrian died. After reading this I like the way you put them together. It didn’t seem like cheating or forgetting Adrian. It just seemed like a... sorta friendship love. Like they all loved each other and... I dunno... I’m not explaining this right. I just really love how you put it all together. Also actually nvm I’ll know in the next chapter(s).
Guest chapter 39 . 6/24/2019
Why the hell would you do this? I can’t believe it! You completely broke my heart. My sister started scolding me for crying but she doesn’t get loving charters. She doesn’t get that they become real to me and I love them as I do my family. I hate that you took the kids father from them, I get that Dimtri is supposed to be like a second father but still. The twins will never get to actually meet their father. I also wanna let you know this was beautifully written and captures everything.
Rita chapter 38 . 6/24/2019
I stay up just as late reading! But I am on summer break so it doesn’t matter so much for me to get sleep. But I just love your writing so so much!
Guest chapter 37 . 6/24/2019
Why? That was so sad! Will Lissa have kids of her own? Will it be awhile till she can have more? Will she be unable to till after Rose has all her kids? Also I think Rose should have twins or possibly even triplets.
RA 4vr chapter 30 . 6/23/2019
Please please please! Don’t have the roles switch! Dimtri shouldn’t even be in Rose’s life, she shouldn’t go back to him! She loves him as a friend and that is all! She is IN LOVE with Adrian and will have many kids with him. Dimtri should leave and not be apart of their lives! He only makes it worse! Who cares if he convinced a child with Rose! He wasn’t there for her! Before or after! Adrian has given EVERYTHING for Rose it is only fair that he stays with Rose, keeps Rose, has a family with Rose, and loves Rose... without having to share her with Dimtri. He should adopt Theresa so that she is his, official. I know you already finished writing but I’m just hoping you don’t crush me hopes.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/23/2019
I love your story and how you write! It’s truly amazing... but if Rose ends up with Dimitir I’m gonna lose it!
LoveGoodBooks86 chapter 66 . 2/24/2019
Hi I am loving this story! It is such an original idea that works within the VA world but adds its own take with new supernatural situations. Pretty please can you come back to writing? Your so close to done. Thanks for a great read so far!
Happy To Exist chapter 66 . 12/29/2018
Wish you would finish this story! I have been reading it non stop! Need a conclusion for sure!
Guest chapter 19 . 11/28/2018
My name is
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