Reviews for Secret Agents
prince-bishop chapter 6 . 9/5/2016
Tony is going to end up like Gibbs a sad lonely old man with memories of what could of been.
ncisaddict123 chapter 16 . 7/12/2012
Please update this story! Love it so much hope Tony and Ziva get together again! Hope they have a baby :') Would be so cute! :') Thanks for writing an amazing story can't wait to read more!
Robern chapter 16 . 2/26/2011
Don't know what I really think bout this season at all but you seem to have caught essence of it
Merlyn the wizard chapter 16 . 1/23/2011
It started of promising, but I personally find it got worse up to this point. No interaction or story, just talking and one or two references to the movie.
Migalouch chapter 16 . 1/20/2011
I love this series, I really really do!

Love how you are taking inferences from the series and then turning them into something, and I especially can't wait to see what you have planned for "Ships in the Night". I have to confess I wrote an angsty Tony one shot to it that as soon as I polish I will put up. Part of the insipiration for me to even get into NCIS was because of fics like yours.

Keep up the good work and I can't wait for more. I also agree TIVA isn't looking too hot at this point and it upsets me greatly!
EbonyK chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
This is a great fanfic

Love the angst and chemistry

Hope they get back together
Betherzz chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
lots of angsty angry stuff goin on between the 2 of them, thinkin its time to cut the losses and go back to the time where they did not see each other outside of work, maybe even one of them switching teams or xfering to a different office... this isnt healthy for either of them, tearing little pieces of each other away, saying the mean things, jabbing exactally where it hurts intentionally... no way in hell can they come out of this the same people they were... time to end things before neither of them have any parts of themselves left
rubiesandrain chapter 13 . 10/16/2010
AW! Poor Ziva and Tony! This is really bad for their relationship. :( UPDATE SOON! :)
groovin chapter 13 . 10/15/2010
If TPTB decide to put them together, it won't be until the last season, I don't think. In the meantime, they'll continue to push/pull them apart, which to me is totally frustrating. Sometimes, I wish they would pick a route to take and stick to it, which ever route it is.

This chapter tells me you have decided to split them up. Sad, because you're right. They are both equally challenged, and to me, that's one of the reasons they would be good together. They know and understand each other, and see right through each other's defenses. The funny thing is, I am more optimistic this season than I have been in a long time. IMHO, their relationship is getting back on track. I just hope it stays that way.
rubiesandrain chapter 12 . 10/15/2010
Naysayers? What naysayers? I loved it, it was cute! UPDATE SOON! :)
Betherzz chapter 12 . 10/15/2010
interesting chapter... shes pickin the lock on his place because why? all shes doing is hurting him more by doing that, you cant go from lovers living together to best friends not living together and sneakin in his or her place when ever you want, just tears little pieces of each other away... hurting each other like that on purpose is not good, not going to be anything left of each other at the end of the day
katesari chapter 12 . 10/15/2010
weird! i dont know if they will ever get together in canon. but reading the occasional Tiva is nice. liked it. bye
groovin chapter 12 . 10/14/2010
Happy? Not quite yet. The reason being "He was genuinely happy to leave Ziva behind and make a fresh start for himself." If that's how he feels, I'm not sure a reconciliation is possible. IDK, maybe that's the route you've decided to take. I hope not. At least they're being friendly, so that's good.

Looing forward to your take on Royals and Loyals.
13NCISgirl chapter 12 . 10/14/2010
Update Soon!
stephlovespie chapter 12 . 10/14/2010
I just found this fic & I love it! Gahhhh! Update soon cause otherwise I'll die, haha, not literally of course
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