Reviews for Re:Hollowfication
WhiteKitsune chapter 1 . 14h
Just started reading and it's getting really good!
Gohanya chapter 39 . 4/28
Just realized that I haven’t yet left a review after reading this whole thing, it was quite a ride and I love the ending. I’m one of the more angst hungry readers, so I prefer ending B as it feels more like a closure to me, even if it’s a little sad, it feels nice to me. I’ve always found hitsukarin fics with hitsugaya ending up in the living world very endearing too haha it’s very Isshin/Masaki like LOL.

I love how much thought you’ve seen to put into this story and I honestly felt really bad about Momo’s situation in the end. In other news though, watch Matsumoto return with news of how she completely destroys the tenth division barracks under her leadership haha, it could’ve been funny to read.
D4NG3RxZ0N3 chapter 7 . 8/30/2018
if ichigo used all 5 senses does that mean he just licked karin? lol... but that is gross. good story btw
YokaiAngel chapter 39 . 11/26/2017
Guest chapter 39 . 4/18/2017
Really enjoyed reading this fic. Thank you.
Atrum Nocturne chapter 39 . 12/27/2016
Good story, marathon the whole thing in three days.
About the M-rated scene, I do agree that you made the right call with the scene you picked, just technically Hollow Karin need to use her Zanpoktou in order to kill Toushirou, the pocket knife would not truly kill a spectral being like him, and she would know that. Also, whether intentional or not I always assumed that Karin and Toushirou followed threw "off screen" with the final image being their shadows merging and then Kyo complaining about how long they were taking in coming back with the groceries, innocently thinking that they were talking to each other.
In some way I thought Karin was more in character in your alternate epilogue since she would first need to vent the pain she felt towards him and in that tirade confess her feelings, combining with the scene where Isshin indirectly giving his blessings to be with her. It just makes more since in my head canon. Again good story.
MomoPeachFlower chapter 39 . 8/31/2016
Oh my god! I love that you put in deleted scenes! I just about laughed when you said if Byakuya was interested his it probably would have switched to ByaKarin. Hitsukarin will forever be my #1 but I also crack ship her with Bya, or occasionally Renji, there are way too little fanfic though.
Anyway, I have to say, you did an amazing job on this story. I am in absolute awe. I was actually a little disappointed that the soccer Captain never saw the relationship, catch a kss, or whatever.
MomoPeachFlower chapter 32 . 8/31/2016
Ok ok, I just have to say this because it's bugging me, Karin is the one who grew into curves. Yuzu is still flat at the end of the manga. I know that's like a really small detail, it was just really bothering me
MomoPeachFlower chapter 14 . 8/31/2016
Grimmkitty is one of my favorite characters, I really hope he's a good guy like this chapter hints.
Nightspirit152 chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
it's a good story.
Callian31 chapter 6 . 4/18/2016
Calling it now, Hiko's going to die. Also, Hi Toshiro-chan! You were looking mighty fine in the latest Bleach Chapter!
SwampMonsterr chapter 9 . 2/23/2016
Shunshin no Yoruichi? Seriously?
otakuficwriter chapter 24 . 1/25/2016
chapter 24 reminds me of maze runner like seriosly teenagers wiped of their memories for the "greater good" and thinking aizen is their ally and stuff,with all the groups and stuff
Sakura Chara chapter 39 . 1/1/2016
Aaaaaaaaaaaw~... I wanted to see Karin explain the whole "I-am/was-a-part-of-the-spirit-king-who-is-actually-a-girl" to everyone~!
Sakura Chara chapter 35 . 1/1/2016
*has crocodile tears and slowly flooding the room (PS SPOILER ALERT FOR ALL YA'LLS WHO HAVEN'T READ THIS YET)* K... Kyo... kun?


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