Reviews for Not Normal
littlemissxflydog chapter 7 . 9/22/2013
please update soon!)
Syl The tWins chapter 7 . 5/18/2013
Update soon please!
chibigokugirl chapter 7 . 4/13/2011
Hi! I hope you undate soon! I love this story and I would like to read more if you do update. Just take your time and enjoy making it. bey! chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
hmm interesting..some parts remind me of something I've watched years ago, but I forgot the title..especially the glasses thing, the pursuer and the pursued..
elektricstorm chapter 7 . 8/7/2010
huh. great story idea! :D i've enjoyed reading it a lot so far looking forward to the next chapter! :D
nejisoifon-lover91 chapter 7 . 7/16/2010
This is really good! I like how you have each chapter in a different persons POV. I know from personal experience that writing like that is hard but youve done it and its good. Please update soon! I really like this and its a good read! Its so hard to find good fics now-a-days! Please update!
Lady Queria chapter 7 . 7/6/2010
i really really like this story! i really hope there will be more soon! please!

rose-of-alabaster chapter 7 . 6/27/2010
Oh dear. Rukia, Hitsugaya, and Ichigo. Ichigo had better not throw around any height jokes. X]
Soaha chapter 7 . 5/17/2010
Yep... Rukia is going to be there until the world freezes over...
toPod chapter 7 . 5/7/2010
Oh, dear. This is an unusual fic. The AU setting is very fascinating, and I have every intention of following through with this story, but I must admit that, at times, things got…a little awkward. What I mean to say is that…well there’s nothing blatantly wrong with the fic, but there exists just these little bits of tiny imperfections that kinda throw me off. I’ll get those out of the way before I talk about how great your story is. )

First, many of the characters are slightly OOC, especially Ukitake. He’s abnormally impatient, excessively annoyed, and…a questionable choice to be made “head” of the large organization this fic is centered around. Now, because he’s such a minor character in Bleach, I applaud you for integrating him in, but at times, he doesn’t seem up to the job. He’s always been so passive / too-soft-to-lead in the manga that I’m having a hard time getting over his unexpected assertiveness. However, I’m willing to continue reading. It’s not enough to crush my enthusiasm. (And honestly, after much contemplation, I can’t even decide on a Captain fit for this AU role, so I stand by my opinion that you’ve done the best you could with the given situation.)

Second…actually I forgot. I guess it was so insignificant that I disregarded it before I could put it into words… I just know it had something to do with rushing Ichigo and Hitsugaya’s relationship, how Toushiro poured his heart out about Grimmjow a little too easily for comfort.

But anyways… Sorry. I’m done with my criticism now. Onto better, happier things.

I love your choice of friends for Toushiro. Naturally, Matsumoto and Renji are Toushiro’s acquaintances, but Grimmjow? Wow. I didn’t see that coming, but I’m glad it did. Especially with the obvious affection the older has for little Shiro. And vice versa, of course, which actually came as a delightful shock to me for a few seconds. I can’t wait to read where you go with that. It makes me squirm and coo just imagining it.

It makes me excited thinking about Hitsugaya’s progress with swordsmanship. Will he achieve shikai? Bankai? Will Hyourinmaru even participate in this story? Many unrequited questions, none of which whose answers would disappoint me. Yes, I’d love to see the dragon, particularly after you singled out and stressed its inexistence (wink wink), but if you take Toushiro down a completely different path, I wouldn’t mind. I just wanna see him pwn something. Lol. He is evidently talented, and, though I have yet to see how his brilliance is truly reflected (i.e. What’s his power?), I have high hopes. I know for sure that you won’t let me down, partially because it’s very hard for me to be dissatisfied with anything that anyone does with the demonstration of Toushiro’s strength, unless of course, you utterly thwart my optimism by portraying him as some…some damsel in distress in need of Ichigo’s rescuing.

That, inevitably, brings me to my final uncertain joy for this fiction. Ichi/Hitsu… Yes, at first glance, it’s a crack pairing. Yes, it appears that Hitsugaya would unavoidably end up on bottom (if you know what I mean…)…but I do hope it never reaches that point. I can put up with yaoi as far as implied love and innocent / shy physical contact goes, but sex is where I draw the line. I’m not interested in lemons. I will shun your story if I see any intense man-loving going on. But hey, your summary does mention “SOME Ichi/Hitsu” so that indicates modesty. Woot. Yay. I’m relieved now.

But back to why it’s part of the “better, happier things”. I love the idea of this pairing. I wanna see how Ichigo would handle Toushiro in contrast to…let’s say…Matsumoto. They probably both harbor the same attitude towards the smaller shinigami (meaning that a fifth of the time, they see him as someone they must protect, possibly from himself), which is perfectly fine. In fact, I think it’s more IC that way. But…please be wary of going overboard. Yes, Ichigo’s a guy, and we all know how overprotective guys get, but so is Hitsugaya. He can take care of himself to quite an extent too. Don’t let Ichigo come to his aid every dang time.

I don’t even know if I have any right to be worried about this, considering how you’ve shown no sign of doing so. But I’ve read other fics where an entirely capable, strong character is reduced to this…this…! #$% in a male-male love. I wanna cry every time that happens. You seem a little too smart to even start down that path, but…I’m just paranoid. Still…dang it, why do I turn all my attempts at complimenting you into a lecture. Sigh. Okay, point is…I’m intrigued by this pairing. Despite all of my misgivings and phobia of people screwing up characters like this, I already like this story too much to quit on it yet. I would love to see if Ichigo or Toushiro gets protective, because as a fangirl, moderate doses of that stuff do good things to my mood. And I don’t mind it when Toushiro is treated as a child either. Y’know, carried around like a little baby once or twice. Or when Ichigo needs a few encouraging punches / warm, embarrassing confessions.

Anyways, do your best, because I have a feeling that it’ll be more than enough. So far, you’ve proved to be rather talented in setting up a loophole-free AU that somehow relates back to Bleach’s original world of shinigami. The glasses thing? Me likie. It’s creative and believable. D The exams? Me likie too. I’m anticipating who participates, who wins, and how they do it. Toushiro’s friends? Me lovie. It’s always a good thing when the main character doesn’t start off completely lost in a mysterious world with no outside connections. The future pairing? As I said, I’m interested. I know that I’ll be fond of this pairing, and I’m willing to shed my previous doubts and fears. I’ll say that so far, they’ve been developing decently well, discounting the rushiness part. And admittedly, you did patch up Toushiro’s rant about Grimmjow quite well. Anyways, I like how Ichigo and Toushiro seem to click, and how Ukitake predicts the good effects Toushiro would have on the older teen. It’s attentive of the man, which is to be expected of him.
Kai-Chan94 chapter 7 . 5/7/2010
Lol Awesome chapter. I feel kinda' bad for Ukitake too, having to put up with all those annoyances and all.
Black Cat Angel chapter 7 . 5/7/2010
Poor Ichigo...he has to deal with Rukia again. And I can't believe she blew up a building! Can't wait for the next chapter!-
FullmetalKeyblade-13 chapter 7 . 5/7/2010
Nice chapter!
To see it from Ukitakes point was refreshing, and I think you've hit his personality pretty well - but as you say, he's a tough character to write.

Take your time with your tests! I won't die if your chapters are a little delayed.. ;)
xIceasbeautyx chapter 7 . 5/6/2010
I love the new chapter. This is kinda yaoi-ish, correct? I hope you keep the relationship developing. Glad to see Rukia but please don't make Orihime a big part in this story I can't stand here. But other than that great story.
Cindar chapter 6 . 5/2/2010
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