Reviews for Enough
Ashen Author chapter 6 . 9/13/2012
Please update this. It's, wonderful in an awful way.
Rose1948 chapter 6 . 12/5/2011
Nicely done!

Don't worry about bashing Akane. She's an abusive bully any way you look at it. I lived with such crap for far too long to NOT recognize it.

Clinical depression sucks. ::hugs:: No need to apologize, hon.

Hopefully your muses will let you continue this story soon. Thanks for sharing.
silverstreak93242 chapter 6 . 11/21/2011
Here's hoping that this review finds you well! I enjoyed reading this story the first time around, and I enjoyed reading it this time! I am hoping that it isn't dead, merely on hiatus until your muse comes back from vacation! This is a very well considered story, and I look forward to seeing how you will continue it, and help Ranma develop his/her school even more!
BlackRoseFire chapter 6 . 12/7/2010
Awesome story I really like it. I can't wait to see the next chapter.
Lord Sia chapter 6 . 10/30/2010
Like the story. It is not perfect, you skim over a lot of detail, but the reactions seem mostly genuine. What happened to Akane? What have the Kunos been up to? How is Ranma's personal style coming along, what is it based around?

Inquiring minds need to know.

PS: What is the super-secret god-damned technique? Can't help but wonder. Once saw someone mention a "Soul Fist", but it was mostly a rip-off with the "True Horror" hand-waved away. The best I can come up with is something to make the "Ultimate Warrior" a la Sharingan; killing a friend(lover/innocents, thus killing his/her/its own heart, making a "true" warrior - as opposed to a martial *artist*. Seems out of character for Genma though - wouldn't want to give the boy any ideas...
James Birdsong chapter 6 . 10/28/2010
Great. chapter 6 . 10/26/2010
Just a quick note to say I enjoyed your latest chapter. thank you for making the time to create it and continuing the story

GNesnios685 chapter 6 . 10/26/2010
This story has serious potential, I love fics where he leaves, then comes back seriously powerful and badass. Update often please!
Nysk chapter 6 . 10/26/2010
Thanks for the update.

PS: IMHO you can take all the time you want between chapters (though I like most prefer sooner). I would rather you feel comfortable with writing and enjoy it than simply produce it because we want more.

Again, thanks for writing.
gosfan chapter 5 . 9/13/2010
I recently found this and found it an excellent read. One of things I liked best is that it takes Ranma in a direction that I could see happening.

One of the things that I've noticed about Ranma is that he is pretty much a victim of circumstances. So much of the time, he's reacting to the circumstances that he finds himself in or are forced upon him, regardless of whether it is fair or not. But I would not be surprised if Ranma reached a point where he snaps. Now, we are seeing Ranma finally taking control of his life.

One concern I had was Ranma deciding to lie to the Village Elders. Considering what has happened, it seems like Ranma would reject the ways of Genma. Then again, in his current state Ranma is likely to consider things that he would have firmly rejected before so this could be part of him taking control of his life. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt him.

One nice touch is the handling of Akane. It is clear that her behavior is causing everyone to distance themselves from her. But unlike Ranma, she hasn't grown up in social isolation and I have a feeling that its only when it is too late that she will realize exactly what she has lost and she will be forced to see exactly what she has become. I look forward to seeing what happens when she finally returns to the active stage.

I especially like the handling of Tatewaki Kuno. Rather than continuing in his delusions, he now is able to see the truth and is taking steps to deal with it and all of his problems. This extends to the other characters too. Although each has a different reaction, each seems appropriate to the character.

One suggestion concerning formatting. I found it a little bit confusing to follow the story at points due to the unmarked scene changes. I recommend inserting some type of visual marker (when writing my own stories I use a "~~~" on a line by itself) to indicate when the scene changes.

As I said before, this is an excellent start and I look forward to reading more.
merichuel chapter 5 . 9/12/2010
ooohhh, i like this :D it's pretty good, and if you think objectively about ranma's life, he SHOULD be pretty broken inside U_U

by the way, i prefer the ryoma/ranama pairing :D Ukyo has never been one of my favorutite

now i'm really curios about what will happen, please update soon
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 9/11/2010
Bluejam chapter 5 . 9/11/2010
Not bad for an angst-fic.

I would not favor a Ryouga/Ranma pairing (a previous AU), but that is just me.

Ki attack vs skill... it depends. Skill will most always beat brute force, even if it is a ki attack. On the other hand, a good ki attack takes a lot of skill to perform. Ki attacks on the other hand can be quite esoteric and variable (shields, blasts, knives, hidden areas, invisibility, flight and much more).
beast man1500 chapter 5 . 9/11/2010
Why don't you come up with a technique that is a Mix of ki and physical training and mix them together for something new? chapter 3 . 9/10/2010

This is a very interesting story and look forward to where you carry Ranma. Thank you for creating it.
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