Reviews for Death Notes
Mary Lou chapter 18 . 10/13/2010
Well, you have done it again! You have created another brilliant soliloquy, this time with L. Who just happens to be deceased. A minor point, to be sure. The whole conversation is fantastic, but I especially loved the ending.
Mary Lou chapter 17 . 10/13/2010
Well, well, well. It looks as if our Misa carries a grudge. You better watch out, L! It seems as if Misa intends to do away with her competition, but what if it isn't what it appears to be? What if Light and L are not really involved, but it is her imagination? So many possible scenarios.
Mary Lou chapter 14 . 10/13/2010
Another powerful piece, but spoken in a soft voice. Once again, you have done a great job of writing about the possible thoughts of Light. I especially loved the last line about Light looking in the mirror and possibly seeing L's reflection instead.
Mary Lou chapter 13 . 10/13/2010
Man, oh man! This is so good! Despite there being a number of errors, this is such a powerful piece. I can just imagine Light wanting to say this to L. Keep up the good work.
Mary Lou chapter 9 . 10/13/2010
Who was Matt trying to kid? He was only fooling himself. I loved the conversation that he had with himself. I loved that while he was still conversing with himself, he dropped everything to go to Mello. Very well done.
Mary Lou chapter 7 . 10/13/2010
Oh, my gosh. This was amazing. So incredibly sad. I could feel Mello's pain.
Mary Lou chapter 1 . 10/13/2010
Wow. This was such a powerful piece. You did a fabulous job of describing what Light's last thoughts may have been. I have often wondered myself why decided to kill L. I don't think that he really needed to do it. Perhaps he did it because he had determined to do it before.
Mirror of Melancholy chapter 21 . 6/7/2010
Poor Fluffy little Near...

I have to say, it's hard to get me to feel sorry for Near. My friend who first got me into Death Note was a fierce Mello fan, and therefore a fierce Near-hater. And so I was kind of preconditioned to hate him, although I'm trying to break free. This, eloquent as always, helped me take another step on my jouney of Near-acceptance. (lol) Update soon!
Turtle-chan in Blue chapter 21 . 6/6/2010
i almost feel bad for him. almost.
PoisonXLilly chapter 21 . 6/6/2010
Sweet, but I'm not into the whole NxM pairing. It's strange, quite frankly...

But anyway, nicely written!
Mirror of Melancholy chapter 20 . 6/2/2010
**sobs** So sad... Poor Mello. Once again, your writing brings out emotion in such an eloquent way. This was very elegant and just amazing. I think you should do a companion to this from Matt's perspective.(Perhaps something Mello left behind?) Update soon! *gives cookie*
Turtle-chan in Blue chapter 20 . 5/31/2010
Mirror of Melancholy chapter 19 . 5/25/2010
Wow. Just... wow. **During this time, I am sitting here thinking of what to say** **I have it now.** I had never thought of it that way. You completely convinced me of the point that Matt makes so well. (But I'm not going to say the words "L" and "dead", because that is a lie, he is simply on a bussiness trip.) You painted a vivid picture. This was another very powerful chapter. Update soon!
Turtle-chan in Blue chapter 19 . 5/23/2010
as much as i dont want to admit it, it's almost true. almost.
Mirror of Melancholy chapter 18 . 5/19/2010
The beggining to this one is really cute, as is the whole thing as a matter of fact. I love to read a less mushy and more introspective interpretation of Light and L's relationship, and I love how you set the point of view from after death. You presented their similarities in a very unique way. This is definitly one of my favorite chapter of yours. Well, I'm off to read the first chapter of your new story, even though I should go to bed. Good night!

PS. I forgive you for not updating. I understand. It's been almost two months since the last chapter of my MelloxSayu story An Unexpected Complication. ***cough*** And those are very legit reasons.

Update soon, and good luck navigating the rapids of the river of life! *bad metaphor*
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