Reviews for Technologic
VioletStar98 chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
You know I always liked the fact that Estonia was the most indepent of the baltic states.
M chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
It's not going to be a review and I apologise for that. I don't agree with the statement that Estonian Independence Day is on August 20. On that day Estonia regained it independence. Calling it Independence Day would mean that Estonia was not occupied by the Soviet Union. However, it was and therefore February 24 is celebrated as Independence day.

I don't know whether I made it clear in English or not. I'm not sure how August 20 is being called in English so the explanation

might be bit hard to understand.

However, it's a nice story indeed.
PrinceLogan chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
I love the part at the end when Russia is thinking to himself that he really didn't know how to set the clock on his DVD playerXD
Felicia Huntley chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Loved this one! Talk about original 3 Estonia needed some lovin' lol
TheEvilMuffinToaster chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
How amusing! My birthday is Febuary 24th. It makes me giggle that Eduard gets a visit from our very own pedo-bear Russia!
nuustaku chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
First of all, so very sorry I didn't review immediately after getting home! Yeah, I went to sleep and thought I'll read it later, since it wouldn't be going anywhere.

Turned out I slept until 11 am today! 8D

I'm gonna think that #1 estonian fan is me! And DON'T ruin my fantasy by telling me that I ain't! D: I wanna think that I am!

Do you know what I did when I saw how much work you put into this little fic? I litterally squealed and awwed and things and such! WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO ME (and my country)?

Estonia was SO in-character~! (Sorry, had to say that!)


Tänan for the lovely lovely AWESOME fic! I'll be stalking you now forever, just like I promised!
Sillvurrr chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Err... I don't really have time to read this now, because I'm at school and such, but I totally will read it when I get home! Andandnand... Yes! Why are you so sweet to me?

(I'm gonna guess that you dedicated this to me, because I know that I'M estonian and I talk to you like... very much)

Gonna review this story properly at home, so yeah. THANK YOU FOREVER FOR TAKING YOUR TIME ON WRITING IT!
Hgk45 chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
This story goes straight to my favorites. I just love too much this pairing *hopes not to be kicked our from her country*
Bashlei chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
I really liked this fic. It's so nice seeing a Russia/Estonia fic without alot of angst. Estonia needs more love!
Oni-at-heart chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
I really liked this, their mentalities were very realistic. The mental image of Russia straddling Estonia was enough to make me drool. The ending made me laugh because Russia is just so Russia.
ficfan3484 chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
I feel a little bad that Estonia doesn't get a lot of attention, but a good thing with Russia. It was good, it was bitter sweet, with a bit of tension during the end.
Artificial Starlight chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
Wah, when I saw "Russia/Estonia" I had some doubts about how that would work, but this was surprisingly in character and realistic to the situations. I like it. :)

Thanks for the read. You rock!