Reviews for The Girl They Called Jane
AfterTheRose chapter 43 . 3/7
I’m a couple of years late to the party (about half a decade!) but really enjoyed this story. It was fresh and new, with good characterisation, both original and characters we already know. I’d love to find out what you had planned for the rest of the story - what happened between Jane and John? What’s the rest of the story with Nihlus? You built a lot of interesting story lines that I would love to see concluded.
Life often gets in the way, but here’s just a wee reminder that your work is appreciated and I hope you get back to it sometime.
Lady Velvet C. Peterson chapter 43 . 5/30/2015
lol only one small spark...huh? Great chapter!
no name delete it pls chapter 42 . 4/2/2015
Its sorry to see that the story was last been updated a whole year ago. I wish it would be more of it cause you did a fantastic work, the story is very unique, its exiting, interesting and very well written. I love how you describe all the characters, they are all alive for me. Your Jane is an incredible character, its so fascinating to read about her previous experience and how it affects her life and behavior now. And Im absolutely in love with Sticks.
I hope maybe you will reappear again and update.
TheJackinati275 chapter 42 . 10/13/2014
I absolutely adore your Work

This is one of those Unofficial 'Must Read' Mass Effect Fan-fictions on this site, and there are many reasons why but i shall not list them as i shall take to long...

Suffice to say, your work is amazingly well done... personally though i want to know more about Sticks
Darkflameoflove chapter 42 . 10/9/2014
love this story hope to see more of it soon :) keep up the good work
Guest chapter 42 . 9/13/2014
It's wonderful. So nicely written. I love the characters. Specially, Sticks. Do something between Jane and him. Please.
mizzanimequeen chapter 1 . 5/20/2014
Definitely love this story. Can't wait for your updates. But to call it a review, uh there are a few spelling mistakes but other than that, fantastic story and even though Garrus and Jane havent hooked up yet, the storyline keeps me interested haha, I was usually a more romance type of person, but not in this story.
icy three chapter 41 . 4/4/2014
I really like how this story is going, ive been reading a lot of mass effect fanfiction and this is very original. You are doing a good job of capturing the cannon characters. keep it going.
Dracconnis chapter 41 . 3/7/2014
Can't wait for the next one
wiccan182 chapter 41 . 2/25/2014
Absolutely love it! Best masseffect FF I've read in a while..keep up the good work
LaniusLegioXIII chapter 41 . 2/25/2014
Small update but a nice one.
Good to hear from you again.
Zikarn Krais chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
I don't quite understand why her being blood related to Shepard would matter at all.

Shepard went through the N7, got all the accolades, and all that jazz, and you're telling me that just because they share the same DNA, they should use her to prop them up?

F*ck that, they should've just promoted Garrus to Team Leader and be done with it.

Or you could just bring in an OC and have her/him/it be seen as a competent outsider, not quite Shepard, but still, good. No need to bring in a random sister.
Belladoni chapter 40 . 2/12/2014
I really enjoy this story. I still can't decide if I'm rooting for Sticks or Garrus, but Sticks is pretty fantastically loyal. I hope you will continue to write this!
LaniusLegioXIII chapter 40 . 11/11/2013
Small update but a good one.
Keep it up.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Nice title reference to firefly! The hero of canton
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