Reviews for Go and Shatter
Lynxgoddess chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
This story has some of my favorite lines in it. I still love it, lo these many years later.
utterlyheartbroken chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
This story is so beautiful! And I think you’ve done both these characters so much justice, while writing a beautiful story of how they come together. Thank you for writing this. It’s a masterpiece, one of my favorite stories within this fandom, I always enjoy re-reading it. Also the fact that you quoted FMA, pleases the anime fan girl within me. It’s such a beautiful show that teaches so much.
Calypso chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.
Sychronergy chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
"They don't have the sweet, uncomplicated secrets that normal couples have, the kind of ones like losing-your-favorite-CD or pretending-to-like-chocolate-because-you-do. No, their secrets are dark and twisted and drenched in pain, in screaming horror and soul-twisting despair, and come out in their own damaging ways."

Those lines! No, honestly, I see Jane/Cho as far more of a crack pairing-ish thing, but you really, really made it work out. Not to mention, you have a great writing style. Good job.
Elian chapter 1 . 5/27/2012
Aahhh! I'm without words. That was an incredible story. Heartbroken and painful just like real life. Thanks for that amazing piece of art.
Laura-trekkie chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
This was a lovely story. Angsty, certainly, but I loved how both Jane and Cho had their epiphanies and found a way to live together instead of survive alone. Great characterisation and introspection for both men.
RainGoddess2040 chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Please check your email for the birth certificate and flight date for my first born. This is all kinds of UNF! I can't even begin to explain how much I love this. I've seen Cho/Jane for a while simply because much of the time Cho smiles is due to Jane. And Jane loves Cho. It's kind of obvious.

Oh, and please tell Lynxgoddess that I want to marry her. The poem is just gorgeous. It gave me this feeling of familiarity even though I'd obviously never heard it before. It's almost like a Victorian Lullaby.

Back to story: beautiful. I love the back stories and the silence of it all. A lot of people expect love to be this loud beautiful thing. But here, their love is silent and creeping and giving off the dull shine like something old and used but still so good.

And look at my rambling. I'll stop here because I can go on and will without using my ill-gained self control.

Thank you for writing this.
00000909000000 chapter 1 . 4/1/2010
I love how broken they both are in this story and how they are ok with the brokeness in each other. They are comforted and feel loved because of this. If that made sense! Very well written story. Thank you for posting!
jgroovydaisy chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
I love Jane/Cho and I loved this story. Thanks for writing. : )
Sassylassy1313 chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
I don't have enough words to tell you how blown away I am by this story-the best I can do is copy/paste the fic recc I just sent one of my fandom lists:

"I don't know if this has been recc'd's worth the repeat-I'm not even finished reading it yet and I have to recc it *now*... I'm at the cemetery scene and I have to keep taking little breaks from it because it's ripping my heart out...This is definitely going in my keeper folder! Top notch author! I'd be willing to check out her stuff in fandoms I'm not familiar with if they're even close to the quality of this fic!"

I've added you to fave authors and to the alerts-I'm serious about checking out your other stuff!-)
FoxxFlame chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
AWESOME. Really. I mean it.
MysteryLady-Tx chapter 1 . 3/15/2010
WOW! that was GREAT and sad and just WOW!

Prosopopeia chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
I think the lack of reviews MUST be attributed to people being intimidated by the length of the story because this is...really quite spectacular. I'm new to The Mentalist, but I caught onto the Jane/Cho interaction quickly and went on a mad hunt for some good fic. This story is probably one of the darkest I've read for this pairings, but it's highly appropriate at the same time. Patrick Jane is an incredibly dark character despite his upbeat front, and I think the show does a wonderful job portraying this. You've really managed to capture Jane's torment in this story; the cemetery scene was beautiful because it showcased his pain, his guilt, and his hopefulness.

And what a traumatizing past you've given Cho! But it works so wonderfully well with Jane's own trauma that I can't complain. They complement each other so perfectly in this story, these two broken men who are simply attempting to be happy. I like that Cho is the one who brings Jane some semblance of hope and redemption. You know that he must have made one hell of an impact on Jane for him to reach the point of choosing between Red John and Cho-with the latter winning. It's bittersweet and poignant.

I would have loved to see how Jane and Cho first hooked up...perhaps as a prequel of sorts? Lol, no pressure of course. But that would definitely be an interesting fic to read. Thanks for the fabulous contribution, and I hope to see more from you!
The Torrid Pen chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
AG! Jane/Cho. Omg, you are the best. And this is probably going to be the role model for all of my stories. Just sayin. And Cho Hurt/Jane comfort? UMF. This is probably one of my favorite stories. This is MY cup of tea! :D
Iloveplotbunnies chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
I really did enjoy this! Very well written, and I just absolutely loved it!
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