Reviews for Easy Being Sleazy
darkangel325 chapter 3 . 3/2/2012
I seriously hope that there will be more chapters XD this is great~!
takers dark lover chapter 3 . 3/15/2010
Ok I just read all 3 chapters and I must say I laughed my ass off. Taker stealing underwear reminds of something my ex-sister-in-law said once. She has since passed away and that part made me think of her. I love Taker but we always laughed about that.
BellaHickenbottom chapter 3 . 2/26/2010
I like this story! The mental image of a UndieTakey is fucking hilarious! I'm so excited to see what more Adam is going to do on SD lol. I wouldn't mind seeing a JoMo strip dance or a Legacy pudding match! He has some damn good ideas! I loved the part about Matt professing his love to Edge then acting oblivious!
Dark Fae Angel chapter 3 . 2/24/2010
Really, does crackfic even begin to describe it?

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! THE BEARD IS GONE! And thanks to a sign on NXT last night (I was hoping to see Matt but was sorely dissapointed...the dude from the first season of I Love New York is on it...O.o) We now have a new drinking game! Everytime Punk speaks, drink! WE'LL BE DEAD IN SECONDS! They couldn't wash his hair though?

*Giggles* I refuse to believe Adam does not read fanfiction. Hell I refuse to believe Jeff doesn't either. I can seriously see both of them one day sitting down at thier computers thinking 'huh, I wonder what these psychotic fangirls write about me?' Enter shock, some slight disgust, perverted interest and then finally what we all get reading this stuff, addiction! Also, I've made it my mission that if I ever see Punk on the street or get REALLY good seats at a show; I will call him princess or have a sign saying "PunkPrincess" or something of the sort.

There's gonna be Hardycest right? I mean, Edge totally wants to see Hardycesrt. And JoMo stripping! I vote for the stripping! LOVE YA!

P.S. Can there be a fanattack on Punk? Everytime he walks out I have the strangest urge to hit him with a baseball bat...
GrandpasGuitars chapter 3 . 2/24/2010
Hey, I love it. I find Bubble Gum Sweet Shit to be the perfect pick me up after a long day of school.

Undertaker stealing thongs and lingerie is hilarious. Thinking about him giggling... I was laughing so hard. And poor Matt, he's not insane enough to be apart of the Hardedge Clan.

And may I say, thank you Hardedge clan, the horrible manscaping had to go.
moonsaultsandmischief chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
I wish this could happen for real. Someone really needs to hobonapp Punk and shave that crazy cult leader. They are now national heros the Hardedge clan.
NeroAnne chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
XD! Matty wants the cookies! XD!

HAH! They want the Hardycest! XD!

LMAO. Jeff is going evil on Phil!


The Charismatic Enabler has got him whipped alright! XD!

Punk is so stupid XD!

HAHAHAHAH! They're gonna chop off the beard! XD!

*reads on*

What's an igjit? XD!

LMAO! Why is Matt thinking nasty?

You're not making it easy on poor Matt, too! XD!

haha, XD!

WOOT! He's clean!


Awe, he called Jeff a vixen! XD! YUMS.

What? XD!


XD! Mark took Jeff's panties! XD! WOOT!


That's so weird, XD!

Haha, XD!

I love!
QueenofYourWorld chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
Well dont listen to them, I love this story.

And when i did read the part about the Undertaker giggle, i had the Undertaker pop up in my head and say I dont giggle( i swear) lol

I would be so embrassed for Matt, i mean who screams that without shame in the slightess.

And thanks god they shaved the beard, i am not a punk fan, but i do not like that beard thing. Haha he said they took his innocence( was on the floor laughing my heart out on that) no way punk is pure hehe

loving it so far please continue with the next chapter soon
Ambrosealley88 chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
Matt has such a dirty mind. I don't blame him though. I would be thinking the same thing as him if I heard all of that.

Edge wants Hardycest, as usual. And he knows who James is :) I love it when he reads fanfiction. It's just priceless.

They shaved the beard and the chest hair...that's not just a good deed, that's a freaking awesome one.

Undertaker stealing underwear? *laughs hysterically*

This was just too awesome!
LegacyChick chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
Hm... Cody and Teddy wrestling in pudding... nom nom nom... *drools*

After finally seeing the mess in Punks face at EC (havent watched SD in ages to be honest) I'm more than happy that your Jeffy muse shaved it off... that looked just so damn... wrong!
Esha Napoleon chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
I'm still laughing ;)
slashdlite chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
Matt has a dirty mind! He thought ... never mind! It's about time someone did something to the walking rug!

*choke&gasp* THE Undertaker giggled with glee as he snuggled Jeff's lacy frilly panties? o_0 Okay, I'm having problems visualizing that! But hey, it's cool! Mark needs to chill sometimes, it's hard to stay intimidating and serious all the time!

Great chapter!
NeroAnne chapter 2 . 2/22/2010
Uh huh, yeah, XD!


Oh, so rude! XD!

Matt could get the job done if he wanted to. He just doesn't want to. XD!

...Poor Matt!

I love Dolph. XD! WOOT!

FEBREZE on Mike Knox would be epic. It will not, however, get rid of the beard.

XP! LMAO. Poor Zigger. He heard it wouldn't work...but he tried it anyway.

Tulips are pretty..XD!

*reads on*

-_- Hey...I understand getting away from Rhodes but Ted is a keeper.

Hehe, they chant like evil muppets.

LMAO! AHAHAHAHA, XD! I loved that whole part! XD! WAY too awesome!

L...O...L...see? Jeff shouldn't have chopped the hair.

The fans woulda gone apeshit! XD!

*reads on*

Ewe...rubbing onto Punk, XD!

WOOT! XD! Jericho! XD!

The thought of Jeff blowing Edge under the desk is just too real to not notice...

Ah, Matthew, XD! Poor man.

Mor is JEFF'S assistant? XD!

Haha, XD!

Poor Taker, wanting to be Cena. XD!

XD! Edge is so neglectful.

-_- they spooked Punk! XD!


Loving it.
Always Straightedge and proud chapter 2 . 2/22/2010
the chapter was ok but seriously i just wish that you would stop writing this bubble gum sweet shit and go back to the story styles of ride, captive and those stories because the bubby gum sweet shit is almost too painful to read.
GrandpasGuitars chapter 2 . 2/22/2010
Oh, that was hilarious. Mike Knox is completely febreeze-retardant. XD
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