Reviews for Amour
Starlightlovesya123 chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
Despite your abuse of my character (XD), I actually thought this was really very good. It was interesting seeing the story "told" from the children and I think the DVD watching was a very good idea. It was sweet and entertaining, and the fluff at the end made me laugh. Oh, Skye...

I would gripe on you about Star cheating on Echo (because that's something she would never do-especially not for Shadow XP), but I won't, because it's your story, and it was still very good. So, nice work!
fhfhfhhhrh chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
That was mayhem. I was laughing nearly all the way through it, and have to admit it was quite good. Not so sure if Star would cheat on Echo (or her boyfriend period), and I found it a bit quick for Echo to suddenly like Skye than her. Maybe you should have waited or played another video or something? Maybe Echo wouldn't want Skye to begin with (To Freya's annoyance), but in another video he slowly has feelings for her.

It was funny. I loved the fact you had us Mayhemers in it. That was my favourite part, and Echo tickling Skye was cute _

'After the Goldrush' is still my favourite Echo/Skye one-shot, but this is a close second. Thank you so much for taking your time to write this for me! I enjoyed it )
Demon is dead chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
whoa. deep