Reviews for Dependence
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 33 . 9/14/2018
Also had to say, I loved the Remus/Sirius stuff even though I more ship your R/R! Hahaha
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 36 . 9/14/2018
So glad Peter for found out! LOVED THUS! You know it really is hard to find stories with THIS dynamic beetween J and S? Haha. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Something about him being at S's mercy.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 34 . 9/14/2018
Kaliko Jerika chapter 18 . 8/26/2018
ive held off till now hoping it would be fixted. But im gonna have to say something. Its Peter, not Pete
Guest chapter 36 . 7/24/2018
I really liked that story but truth be told i skipped though a lot of it that wasn't sev and james i wanted more of the orders
CinderSpire793 chapter 36 . 5/27/2017
Oooooooohhhh you have no idea how excited I am just from your A/N!Great place to end this, too... Great story!
CinderSpire793 chapter 33 . 5/27/2017
Omg this is getting so intense! I'm glad there's so much to binge, but I'm a little nervous I'll get to a cliffhanger in a few chappies and they're won't be any more updates for ages (considering that you started this fic in 2010...).

Well, I'm only scared because this is so good! I ADORE how you've got the boys exploring and testing their sexuality - so well crafted! What can I say? I'm a fan! Hope you update reasonably soon (as I guiltily ignore my own story and continue to binge this one...
Guest chapter 36 . 3/2/2017
This is such a good story, and this version was just amazing. I'm really excited for the seventh year sequel, please keep up the fantastic work!
ou49839u3jti4jto chapter 36 . 3/2/2017
Omg please yes
SSJP is my favorite
yukino76 chapter 36 . 2/27/2017
Good chapter waiting for the sequel thanks for the story
yukino76 chapter 35 . 2/27/2017
good hopefully he will be able to calm himself and prove Peter's culpability
toomanyshipsss chapter 6 . 2/24/2017
hana koikogoro chapter 34 . 3/7/2014
You are evil... Pure evil I tell you! You should know, this story was soo good I read it as fast as I could. I read until one am because I couldn't stop! I had a test for my engineering class at 9 am and I had to finish! It was too good to stop. Needless to stay, I loved it. Keep up the good work. The sign of wonderful writing is the readers inability to stop reading. And of course to leave me waiting more (which I do!) and let me know if you ever become a published writer. I'd love to read your own stories.
XxZessxX chapter 34 . 10/27/2013
This is the first time I actually read this pairing and I must say, you really put me trough a roller coster ride xD Damn from time to time I just wanted to hex you for it all. Like the whole Sirius and Remus mess -.- You really hurt me with that because personally I think Remus and Sirius just belong togehter. Although at first when it looked like Lily and Sirius would end up together it was alright, even the flirting but after they had sex it ways such a mess.
And then Peter, god how I hate this little shit! How he dragged Regulus into it. And It nearly killed me when Sirius doubted Reggy.
I actually liked the scene where James confessed that he cared about Severus and then didn't let him speak The orders where cool, really nice idea although the last chapters were quite a struggle for me but I managed and finally they... well what are they?xD
The scene were Snape kinda raped James was... wow I so didn't see that coming and I was so 'what? he doesn't...he... he does?'.
You could say that I enjoyed the first two third or three quarters more then le rest but nonetheless I like it.
So all in all a nice story. You did a good job. I enjoyed reading it and may even try and read more with this pairing
purecarnation chapter 12 . 9/26/2013
Wow, I'm addicted to this ! And this is just so full of humor and eBay XDDD I wan to read more but I am really tired. this is exactly what i imagined the james and his friend's lives to be!
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