Reviews for A Very Improbable Christmas
Guest chapter 8 . 4/5/2018
Nice Christmas Story. I like it :)
Katsumara chapter 8 . 4/20/2010
So I totally missed this story! Just wanted to comment that it was quite the enjoyable read!
Robert Teague chapter 8 . 3/11/2010
I really liked this- everyone in character, a lighthearted tone true to the series, some danger, a bit of romance, and just a touch of angst.

I did think Shego was too defensive about everything: usually she's more willing to stand back and let everyone else entertain her, and take any opportunity for gain.

The nutcracker was a good "villian", but I thought it needed a bit more description.

Also, Rufus might have mentioned the supply of cupcakes after things settled down.

You've also left enough things open for a sequel.

Good writing, and I look forward to reading more from you!
Reader101w chapter 8 . 2/26/2010
Great story, bit weird here and there, but hey; that's just more fun.

Kim, Ron, Shego and Drakken are displayed very good, as is the rest of the Possible family.

the idea of the nutcracker was a bit over the top, but made for good humor and a nice plot.

keep up the good writing,

MrDrP chapter 3 . 2/23/2010
I really enjoyed the scene in the airplane's cargo hold. It was easy to imagine unfolding in an episode.

I also liked Ron in the lair. Very nicely done!
MrDrP chapter 2 . 2/23/2010
I like the way you've split the story between the Possibles' home and Drakken's lair. Your approach has me anticipating the inevitable meeting of Kim and Ron and Drakken and Shego.
MrDrP chapter 1 . 2/23/2010
Nice start to what promises to be a fun story. One thing that stood out for me were the little touches that reminded me of the show: e.g., the seasonal addition to the "Keep Out" sign at the lair and the way the lighting of the Possible house unfolded.

I'm looking forward to reading more.

Which, I think, I'll do right now.
Secret Feline chapter 8 . 2/21/2010
Aw, that's sweet!
King in Yellow chapter 8 . 2/21/2010
Very sweet ending, and loved the title on the last chapter.

Looking forward to your next story. And FF.N is still eating reviews.

CajunBear73 chapter 8 . 2/21/2010
Kim's got a few things on her mind. School, Ron and where she wants to go from there. Ron will always be there, and while she knows it, she should caution herself to never 'forget' this important piece of her heart.

Shego seems to be warming, in general and of things that touch her heart. Kim's gift reminded her of a friend she can always count on, and Drakken's suaveness of someone who she can give her heart to.

CajunBear73 chapter 7 . 2/20/2010
Crossroads for Shego here, it seems.

But the Christmas went off with no further problems.

Those hidden items the tweebs were carrying... that may be trouble.
Secret Feline chapter 7 . 2/20/2010
Is this complete?
King in Yellow chapter 6 . 2/20/2010
Very good first story, I don't know what the hit count is - but it is deserving of more reviews. (It appears that the some FF.N functions are messed up _again_ and reviews are sometimes being eaten. A second one might post, but many people will be discouraged and not try again after their long review gets ignored by the system.)

A possible second reason for fewer reviews might be timing. People expect Halloween stories around Halloween. Thanksgiving stories around Thanksgiving. Patriotic stories often appear around the 4th of July... I wonder if Valentine's Day was a good day to start a Christmas story. On the other hand, no competition.

This is my second attempt to post this review.

CajunBear73 chapter 6 . 2/19/2010
Pretty good battle with the robot. Ron's little power of imagination, with Kim's cooking giving that big assist, really helped turn the tide here.

Once again Drew's mom can find her boy anywhere, and this time it may be at the expense of some embarrassment by Shego...

The rest of Kim's family may be around the corner and it's not a bad thing to have that nutcracker robot fall to another of Ron's ideas.

Now for a big dose of awk-weirdness... and Christmas.

CajunBear73 chapter 5 . 2/18/2010
Man, that must be another version of "Here's Johnny!" from "The Shining"...

So that's what Drakken was up to.

And it looks like more Possible's are going to meet it.

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