Reviews for No Longer the Same
Latarra chapter 12 . 7/20
Fabulous story!
Dee474 chapter 12 . 5/31
Thank you so much for writing this sequel. When I read the first story, I was like "What? Seriously, you're leaving it hanging like this? NOOOOOOO. Actually, I was so busy checking for the sequel, I forgot to post to say how much I enjoyed it.
And the sequel was everything I was hoping for and more.
I really loved the way, you brought Tim back to DC, but had him still moving forward.
A really awesome story. Thank you, again.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/30/2018
I love Tim, but I don't like your version at all... there's something soulless about him.
Corala chapter 12 . 10/24/2011
He come back good as new
Gottahavemyncis chapter 12 . 7/17/2011
I love this story - of Tim making a success of his new life and then coming .. almost.. full circle, but better! Coming "home" to DC with new challenges, moving on and gaining respect everywhere he goes. Even from his old teammates, but he doesn't really need it from them anymore - and he's able to forgive them and put it behind him.

I love your writing,it's well done, not just the content (which is great!) but the structure. Your stories are carefully written and a joy to weird words or missing words, no misspellings or wrong word usage. It is obvious you take a lot of pride and care in your words and you have my respect :D!
trout1986 chapter 12 . 5/15/2011
Gunner'sDream chapter 12 . 12/2/2010
Good ending. I'm glad tim got back on good terms with the team by the end and that everything else was finally going good in his life! great to see such a happy ending for him.
Precious Pup chapter 12 . 12/2/2010
Brilliant! Sensational! Wonderful resolution. Tim has learnt a lot and really grown and so has the rest of the team. It wonderful as new friendships develop with a different balance and seeing Tim doing so well with his new team. Pitch perfect. Even Gibbs saying hey that he needs to remind himself to change but ultimatly if all this tragedy hadn't happened then Tim wouldn't be so happy and confident now so it was in the end worth it. I want to go back and read the whole sequence and series in one hit. Great work!
siltrana chapter 12 . 12/2/2010
yay great ending thanks for the story.
Tigyr chapter 12 . 12/2/2010
Awww...nice way to end it...)
Gunner'sDream chapter 11 . 11/19/2010
great chapter! i loved the part with hetty! i just love hetty. i also loved tony's reaction to it _

i also love the teams thoughts on missing tim.. i'm glad that they finally see that he is more than just the 'computer guy' and also that tim is finally able to live up to his full potential even if it did take some really crappy situations to get him here. :)

can't wait for more!
RedDragen chapter 11 . 11/19/2010
Another wonderful chapter, I wait for more
alix33 chapter 11 . 11/19/2010
"Jemma was trying to personalise the space a little with plants and pictures, lots of postcards stuck on every available surface showing the sights of Washington DC. "If we can't have a window, at least let's pretend we can see outside." "Looking good Jemma, good to be reminded where we are." Tim ducked as she threw a paper cup in his direction." - Hehehe.

"Quin sat on the edge of Tim's desk, and surveyed the room once more. Telling himself for the twentieth time that he'd make the right decision uprooting his family from the Californian sunshine; Quin knew it was a great career move, and he genuinely wanted to be in at the start of what could be a brilliant move by the Director, but it was a big responsibility… "It's going to be fine Quin, just imagine it without the trailing wires and the electricians crawling around the floor." He'd have to learn to hide his emotions a little better; Tim was too good at reading people…" - As Abby once said: "Timmy's got new skills!"

"she certainly made a big impression on Tony." "Tony DiNozzo? When did he meet her?" "When Ziva was gone, we were looking for replacements, Heather came for a meeting." "Then you got Ziva back…" "Yeah, but I remembered what Tony said about her…she could be a natural…" - Hehehe.

"he noticed the Director and a petite woman walking purposefully toward MTAC…so that was Henrietta Lange. It had been the talk of NCIS all day that the fearsome Operations Manager from LA would be visiting to inspect the OSP/DC , and Tony had it on good authority that there were some problems with the new communications set up…from the look on Ms Lange's face she was already aware of the problems. Tony smiled mischievously. McGee was going to have his work cut out dealing with her; she certainly didn't look like the kind of woman who would settle for second best. His smile broadened as McGee rounded the corner, this should be good…he leaned back in his chair to enjoy the floor show." - And clearly DiNozzo knows diddly squat about the relationship Tim and Hetty developed during his time at OSP: LA.

"Tim was frowning slightly; he was intent on getting into MTAC to check the comm. links through their computers. He spotted Hetty, and his expression changed from serious to smiling in an instant. He ran toward her and lifted her off her feet. "Hetty! It's so good to see you!" "Special Agent McGee! Will you put me down?" Doing as he was asked, Tim gave a deep bow. "Your wish is my command." Hetty was grinning broadly as she turned to Vance. "Leon; I am aware that some of my colleagues in Los Angeles may be a little...unconventional, but I had always been under the impression that standards of behaviour were better here in DC." Vance shook his head. "You're not laying this at my door Hetty; Special Agent McGee's behaviour was exemplary until he went out to LA." Hetty wagged her finger at Tim. "We will continue this conversation over dinner this evening young man." Tim smiled. "I'll pick you up at 7.30...I'm looking forward to it." They went their separate ways and Tony sat open-mouthed...what the hell just happened? Had he really just watched his former Probie actually pick up Henrietta Lange, the woman who could strike fear into even the hardened political hearts on Capitol Hill? He shook his head...and the words of an old Joni Mitchell song went drifting through his head. 'You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.' " - Awesome! Yay! for Tim.

"the Director had already asked her to help OSP/DC with any forensic evidence they may collect; and she had agreed without a second would mean she'd be mega busy at times, but if it meant she'd get to see Tim more often, she'd take the extra work any day." - Yay!

"Abby waved back and gave a wistful smile...he's going to be a great dad one day. And maybe that day wouldn't be so very far away…Abby was going to meet Verity next week, she was visiting DC for Thanksgiving, and Tim wanted to introduce her to Abby. He'd never done that with any of his other girlfriends…looked like this could be the one. Abby hoped so, she knew deep down that she would never have been right for Tim; he wanted a life that she could never share. But Verity…Abby smiled a little wider as she sat back at her desk…she's check her out next week, and if she thought she was good enough for Tim, Abby would make sure Verity knew what a great guy she was getting." - EW, I am still not thrilled about the Verity thing...
I am the girl in the corner chapter 10 . 10/5/2010
this was fantastic i loved it. great job. :D :D :D
RedDragen chapter 10 . 10/2/2010
I can't wait for more. Please post more soon.
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