Reviews for what if?
Guest chapter 3 . 9/1/2019
That. No offence. Isn't the best piece. It's nice. But I am like whaaaaaaaaaaaa it isn't done
wisegirlgeek chapter 3 . 1/24/2017

Um, this isn't a flame (I don't do those) just CC.

If you want to write a PJO fic, please make it like PJO. If the characters aren't like the book ones at all there's no point in publishing your story under the PJO category. You might as well replace the characters with original ones because your Percy is nothing like the one in the real books.

Really, it's simple - if it's OOC to the max, don't publish it.

Also? Please get a beta. Even though I'm late to the party and you probably aren't writing anymore.

blue tris chapter 3 . 4/30/2015
I lyk ur idea & style of update fast i already luv this idea!
Oppped chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
...Spelling is wrong...:(
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14/2014
What is wrong with your grammar and spelling? Is this supposed to be a parody?
EpicMusic chapter 2 . 8/3/2013
Hai person I hardy know! Personally, Uh... please re-read the books, Re-take English class... and just... either get a beta, or just re-write this story. No, this isn't a flame. I'm trying to be nice.
But seriously, Get a beta. ._.
P.S. I'm too lazy to log in.
dogluvva99 chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Delete this story. To save the pain of others. Learn from your mistakes and keep writing, but if you can't, SCREW YOU. I'm generally a nice person, but this atrocity should not be left unpunished. I sincerely think this is a joke, just not a funny one.
4433220011223344 chapter 3 . 1/9/2013
Nobody cares if it's your first or tenth time at writing. If you write, you do it with at least good grammar, spelling, punctuation and without randoms author's notes in the middle of the paragraphs.
Anyway, it cannot be your first time writing. If you go to school I bet you have written some stuff in your time there.
Enough said. Goodbye.
Oh no chapter 2 . 10/22/2012
Why...why is percy such a Gary-stu
Hanna chapter 3 . 10/18/2012

I get that its your first time writing. Writing is tough. It really is...

And I get that you've got a ton of other reviews and people suggesting how to fix your story.

However, I would like to propose the idea that your chapters should be at LEAST 1,000 words, unless its a prologue or a drabble.

I would also like to request that next time you write a story, you double check for grammar and spelling.

And I'd like a bit more character development and nuance.

Please don't give up. Keep writing! Good luck next time.
Toner of ShadoWs chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
You're probably tired of reading review after review after review of people telljng you to fix this story, delete this story, etc. But hear me out.
1. Capitalize names.
2. Don't make the entire "chapter" one sentence. Add in periods.
3. Hit Enter. Organize the story in paragraphs.
4. You spelled everything right, but work on grammar,
So here's how I would write the summary:
What if Percy turned really cut and every girl wanted him? The Last Olympian never happened. Percy and other characters are OOC.
And you might also want to add in some more action in the plot. Right now, there really isn't much of it.
ILikePie99 chapter 3 . 9/26/2012
That entire "story" was stupid and pointless. Sorry, I don't sugar-coat things.
SakakiHaruna12 chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Umm... Pardon me for my rudeness, but is this a summary?
divineauthor chapter 3 . 8/26/2012
I'm sorry! Just listen to the reviewers before me and take their advice!:
sangkar chapter 2 . 5/4/2012
This is the worst story I've ever come across - and that's saying something. Even My Immortal and jO bEKKE at Hugwrts were better than this. I don't even think it has any potential. You spelling, punctuation, grammar and OOC ness need a lot of improvement. A this please.
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