Reviews for Märchen: Midwest Arc
The all mighty and powerfulM chapter 1 . 9/19/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2018
This is a classic for me! Read this story over a handful of times, always go back to it when I feel like a little accurate portrayal of kyman! Love!
Germany11 chapter 4 . 7/12/2017
Cartman fantasy was really fucking hot haha
VioletLeeROX chapter 15 . 4/27/2015
Wait, they're incest now?! *mind shuts down*
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Honestly...I have no words.
Some people here have took lots of time and effort to comment long and Meaningful things but I can't
Not because I can't be bothered but because I cannot put into words how much this has affected me
I have a new perspective on life after reading this
I know that may confuse some people due to the fact that this was a South Park fanfic and they usually are not the type to encourage you to take on life in a different way but this did
Which I think is extremely talented of you
To say at the least
This is one of those stories where sometimes something so dramatic happens that you have to stop reading and start Making unhumane noises
I done that countless times while reading this
this story will make you laugh,cry and gasp (a lot) and I thoroughly enjoyed it so ...THANKYOU
LieseRose chapter 15 . 7/30/2014
By far my favorite kyman fanfiction .. and I've read quite a lot.
You are truly a phenomenal writer and I wish I had read this sooner, but shied away due to the Style in the opening. I'm more of a straight-as-a-board Stan fan.. you have changed my mind quite a bit, as well as having me fall deeper in love with Candy and gain an appreciation for Tophfloski. Candy is hot, it's saddening that Wendy turned down Eric so abruptly. I really felt for him.
The story is interesting and had me hooked from the beginning. It is unique, imaginative and gives a glimpse into a culture that, without this story, would be that I'd be that much more ignorant of. I had a liking of Germany before this story, but after?-Definitely more-so. It have perked my interest for sure. Throughout the course of reading this story, I could tell that you have a genuine love for Germany. It shows, and it makes it that much more enjoyable to read.
I loved the symbolism. Lots of times throughout the course of reading this, I found myself stopping to think about why you did the things you did.. Trying to figure out the metaphors and symbolism scattered throughout. The use of Rosenrot and the rose was beautiful and I loved how you used the German club to convey different periods of Germany.
The OC's are likable and very much necessary. The message couldn't have been conveyed without them. You kept them interesting enough to keep me reading. In fact one of my favorite characters was your OC, Missy. She was so bat-shit crazy that she was likable. I really felt for her at the end and was glad that Christophe addressed exactly what I was thinking in terms of her death.
Along with the OC's, the back story behind Ulla and Christophe was very interesting. I am glad that Mengele has a mention in here. He is one of the few people from the WWII era that I actually know. (I'm not too big on history ahah).
My brother cosplays Christophe and the dephth that you added to "ze mole"-and every other character- made me very happy. Christophe's misguided love towards Kyle was really cute. I kind of wish he interfered less, though.
While reading, I was begging for more Stan and Kenny, but towards the end I knew that wasn't happening. But it was needed. Stan removed himself for his own personal growth, something I know about all too well. Something that similarly happened in my life that I didn't really come to understand until this fic. And that's why my heart stopped .. a lot. I was a bit too emotionally invested into this.
Eric and Kyle's love was beaming throughout this whole story. It really was more than empty words, I could feel their love. It wasn't the typical one-sided obsession or mindless lust that seems to appear from no where, it was mutual pure romance. It was a love where both of them grew off of each other and discovered their inner feelings. I couldn't help myself from "aww"(ing?) at so many points. You write them so adorably ! So in character ! And you are right, both Eric and Kyle are insane. And as much as I love masochist-but-strong Kyle, your Kyle is just too lovable. You moved Kyle past the image of a wimp, and I gotta say, I am in LOVE with his battle uniform and just his transformation in general. You have developed the characters in a way that I have seen no other author do.
And to address the ending, I saw the whole brother thing coming fairly early. The fact that Ernst was so disgusted was a big hint, and then when the whole scene with the blood transfusion came up, it was painfully obvious. It was kind of unnerving. I was hoping that they were just cousins or something. Nope wrong. But the whole twin thing? So unexpected.
And even though it doesn't make much sense in canon .. (you would have to assume that Scott was either wrong or lying) I like the addition. As weird as that is. It's kind of twisted.
I recommended this fic to a lot of people.. Looking forward to the finished updated version and the sequel. I feel as though so much more could be addressed.
Yeah, quite the wall of text. But just too much love for this. Expect fanart soon ! :D
Some person chapter 12 . 7/15/2014
I was just wondering if the weapon Ulla uses is real, if so what's it called?
Rainmy chapter 15 . 5/26/2014
finish! this was big! I realized they were going to be brothers,like half maybe,but this...I thought just cats could do that,you taught me a new thing,about it,I would if they were father and child but brothers...I don't really see that much of a 'll be shock for sure but love wuill prevail :P
I didn't care that it doesn't match the shows family history since I started this considering an alternate universe fic from the beginning.
you are doing a revision of this right? I'll tell you some things I wonder that didn't have an answer:
.why not contact the police? you answered it later,that it is it could be said earlier as well
.plane metal detectors? simple solution,say Howard arranged it.
.Missy's grave...just a though,won't her father want to look for her and open it up eventually?
that's all I can think about...
I'm up for the sequel!
Acridic chapter 15 . 10/10/2013
It was long, but I'm glad I stuck with it till the end.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/12/2013
I absolutely love the use of songs in this fic, they just fit so well. Rammstein is also my favourite band, so it's exciting to see that you have incorporated their music into something as brilliant as South Park! :)
asdfghjkl chapter 14 . 3/18/2013
Rammstein are amazing. Rosenrot is amazing. South Park is amazing. Kyman is amazing. So yeah, basically this story is fucking perfect.
JustSomeGirl chapter 9 . 10/7/2012
Es ist nicht ein Spiel, Kyle. – Das ist kein Spiel, Kyle.
JustSomeGirl chapter 7 . 10/6/2012
Und du hast keine Ahnung wie Haifischaugen sich über ihn fühlt! – Und du hast keine Ahnung was Haifischaugens Gefühle für ihn sind!
JustSomeGirl chapter 6 . 10/6/2012
There are still some mistakes in the German phrases that were translated in-story:

Mir felts warm – Mir ist warm
Saune – Sahne (whipped cream)
8:30 Acht Uhr Dreißig
Just some girl chapter 5 . 10/6/2012
Suggestions, suggestions :)

"Das ist nicht ganz fair!" – means "That's not totally fair!" I think what you were going for is "Das ist so unfair!"
"Dieses hat nichts mit dir zu tun!" – "Das hat nichts mit dir zu tun!"
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