Reviews for Sex, Lies and Silicone
bookworm45 chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
I have a feeling I'll be reading the other fic soon - I think I'm going to get through this series and then read your other NY fics - including the crossover. Tate's not a bad ship anyway. :)
writergirl99 chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
Haha! I can so see this! As you so rightly said, Jess just wouldn't have let this comment go!

This, I think, so far, is my absolute favourite, and seems to be perfeclty in character, what I consider to be something that would have had to have been taken directly from the episode!

This was amazing, I loved it sooooo much! Keep up the amazing work!
Elfsong chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
This was cute! She was able to sneak up on him, tease him, and comfort him within about five minutes. Go Jess.
csimesser1 chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
that was great loved it
DreamerChild88 chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
I love that Jess snuck in to Don's apartment. I could definitely see her doing something like that. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
LMAO! I totally love the scene from Sex, Lies And Silicone! Lindsay's reaction was so awesome. And I love how Jess picked up on that and made fun of Don, that was brilliant. You're writing them so cute together! And I love how Jess was happy that the teasing stuff with the doll had made Lindsay happy. That's sweet of her.
rockyshadow chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
Incorporating the detail about his little lie is great. I love how he feels guilty for saying it outloud, even though he doesn't have to. Their flirting is so cute. I also love how you mentioned that they both keep the things that children give them.

I'm so glad you're still writing Flangell fics. They're my favoriite CSI:NY fics and they're rare now because of certain events, so thanks!
terriberri23 chapter 1 . 2/6/2010
Great story.
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 2/6/2010
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! This went way above and beyond what I was thinking. You did a super job with Jess's reaction to the dolls and her ribbing Don about it. But it was the conversation about the Ann Steele and her flash drive that nailed this story in so many ways.

I can see how frustrating and pointless it can all be watching a bad guy walk because of connections, but Jess put it into perspective for him and it was wonderful.

This was my favorite moment "That’s why we bother. Every Saturday, when we walk into that hall, those kids come running over to us. And it doesn’t matter that someone walked free that week. It doesn’t matter that this city is as corrupt as hell. It doesn’t matter that someone like Ann Steele can make our job difficult legally, when anyone else would be arrested for perverting the course of judgement. Because we’re their heroes, despite all that.”

Don grinned at her. “You give a good pep talk, Detective.”

Jess smiled at him. “I learned from the best.”

“Ah, but you have much to learn, young Padawan.” Don stated solemnly."

There is no absolute favorite line in here because I adored them all. But I love how Jess went mama bear here "No, you aren’t.” Jess disagreed, a warning tone in her voice. “That’s the first smile I’ve seen on her face since her boyfriend cheated on her a month ago."

Thank you very much again! *hugs* :D
saturn567 chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
awesome update!
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
Nice job!
RyderBPD chapter 1 . 2/5/2010
Once again, you've done such a great job bringing the thoughts and conversations we as viewers didn't see to light. Season 5 was so political in many respects, and yet we didn't see most of the characters (Mac being the exception) articulate a lot of anger about the helplessness that had been thrust upon them. Jess did a nice job at picking Flack up out of the dumps.

Loved it! :)