Reviews for The Unspoken
lalalamb chapter 2 . 5/15
Wow I think I just fell in love...

If we fall in love anywhere with you will be a better place...if we fall in love we can write a better song than this ~
Guest chapter 2 . 1/25/2019
Bueno esto si fue sorprendente! Me duele que suzaku sea malo porque eso no es suzaku. Suzaku es muy dulce amable e inocente . Siempre queriendo ayudar .
Y ver que era un abusador no creo que sea suzaku. Ojalá se arregle todo
sousie chapter 2 . 6/30/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
Floweraise chapter 2 . 1/17/2016
"I'll try to update two weeks or so from now on."
5 years later lmao

I love the atmosphere this fanfic has; it's very canon-like. It's so sweet, too ;-;
I'm disappointed that you haven't updated since the second chapter (unless I'm missing something). It's amazing.
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
I'm really glad that Lelouch will give Suzaku another chance. I love the pairing Suzaku/Lelouch. They are so cute and adorable together. It's my favorite pairing! I love submissive Lelouch.

Could you please continue writing this story? I love it so much!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/29/2014
This is actually a really cute story. I am majorly disappointed that you seem to have abandoned it though :(
Suki Akari chapter 2 . 8/3/2014
I think Suzaku didn't hate him. why? There is 2 theories.
Theory one : Suzaku has two personalities, the one that hates Lelouch(Fake Suzaku) and the one that loves Lelouch(Real Suzaku). When the accident happens, Suzaku accidentally erase his hate-lelouch personality, therefore leaving the love-lelouch personality. but... how did Suzaku has DID anyway? DID or Dissociative identity disorder is a mental disorder where the patient has two personality, i don't know how to get it, but i has to be an accident.
Theory two : Suzaku is jealous of the people that Lelouch loves and get Lelouch's attention(the love is not romantic but i think Suzaku misinterprets that and thinks Lelouch loves them.), it started when Suzaku meets him. before lelouch's 13 birthday, Suzaku beats him right? but i think it's not out of jealousy, i think because his hate for britannia, but then that hate slowly transform into love(Suzaku has loves Lelouch since their kids.), and then the Jealousy starts. Suzaku ignores the jealousy at first, but then it slowly take over him and then the Jealous-Suzaku beats Lelouch when his 13 because Suzaku is jealous at the people who Lelouch loves and gains attention, Suzaku only wants that Attention to be directed to him, but then when Suzaku becames older the Jealousy started his sadistic personality, and then Suzaku beats him not only out of jealousy, but also because his a sadist. the accident, erase Suzaku memories, Jealousy, and Sadist personality, and transform that sadist into masochist. accidentally, Lelouch is the only one he remembers,and then he remembers his love for him and well... the rest is history.
so... how do you think? are my Theories right? anyway this story is interesting XD i'd like to see you update now, since it has been a few years. please update?
ramupop chapter 2 . 6/30/2014
Great fic !
firearrow13 chapter 2 . 5/1/2014
Please upload this story again! It's obviously very different from what I imagined, but I really love it! It's very interesting and well-written and the grammar is good too. I know you haven't updated it in years, but please do so again. I really would love to read more. :)
Ball of energy chapter 2 . 4/2/2014
Awwww that's so sweet ! Like it vewy vewy muuuch ! Please continue ! What ? It's not updated since 2011 ?! Uuuuh
Assasin8 chapter 2 . 1/8/2014
I've never read a SuzuLulu before, but I find myself loving the pairing because of you! This is actually pretty sweet, and I really like the AU! It's just that you haven updated in four years... Well I can still hope!
ThisxIsxMyxOtp chapter 2 . 11/10/2013
Please please PLEASE continue
lmaoidk chapter 2 . 8/2/2013
Omg this story ;;
Terrible Feels chapter 2 . 7/21/2013
I really like this story please update!
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