Reviews for Satirical Lulz
Isafish chapter 5 . 12/8/2017
Some of these I end up skipping because I'm cringing so hard xD You've outdone yourself!
Cara Shutter chapter 3 . 9/7/2017
Transporter Tara: WTF is going on?!
WalkingInTheSea chapter 28 . 4/30/2017
Ahahaha... Why am I reading this when I should finish my school project? But to be honest, it was totally worth it. OC fics are my guilty pleasure but I too, am sick of overpowered mary sue OCs. I loved how you pointed out how they are always perfect and get involved with CCs romantically without explanation. And I also loved your psycho Robin. Seriously, I miss dark humor Robin in the old OP. Anyway I very much enjoyed your parody, I'm so glad you wrote it. Thank you
idkman chapter 25 . 12/4/2016
Really good story btw it actually had me giggle out loud a few times
I feel Ace was shown enough to get attached unless your like me WHO IS ATTACHED TO EVERYONE NO ONE MAY DIE THIS IS A CUTE ANIME ABOUT PIRATES WHERE THE GOOD GUYS WIN STOP. Nah just kidding, I feel his character was too oh no tormented soul obligatory older orphan brother finds family to really care all that much idk
The cat chapter 11 . 1/1/2016
what happened to Sanjillian? or Zoroko? or Sara (I don't know. I saw this somewhere as a gb-name for Zoro...)? or Luffiya? or Robio/Robert (for Robin... again, I DON'T KNOW)? or Luffiyona (?)? or Francine (?)?
Ahaha. I'm sorry. I was having some fun on tumblr and found these... among others... XD
Queen of Spades Lovely chapter 9 . 6/7/2015
Rereading this after I made my One Piece OC, I realized your stories inspired me. Thanks!
Queenola-Witty chapter 28 . 5/12/2015
Okay so because of what you said I can't just fave n run, now I gotta review. So, I had a lot of fun reading this. I think you were startingly right in all your chapters...ridiculous as they were. I honestly don't remember all, coz I read it in the spanse of two days-with a lot of breaks in between- but I agree/love the chapter about the characters speaking in Japanese. I also like the one where Luffy gets executed...the silly idiot.

Well, basically I loved everything-every chapter. As for you, Amethyst Turtle, I think you're adorable(really!), and funny and your friends must've a swell time hanging around you. Good job!
CordiallyYours chapter 5 . 1/30/2015
Yes, in fanfics, when such situations come up, i immediately drop the story and leave. I mean, it's clear that (s)he doesn't know any Japanese, so why try to write it? (A question I would dearly like to ask all those writers out there). On the other hand, description is good, but the limit should be at 'Oliver Twist'. ;p
CordiallyYours chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
Yes, i LOVE you for writing this parody! It's nice and all for the writers to write fanfics, but as a Japanese, it's also kind of awkward when they speak in Japanese and English at the same time. (When I speak with my Japanese Weekend School classmates, all bilingual people, that's a different story. but even then, we usually reply each other in only one language. i.e, japanese-english, japanese-japanese) Also, what's up with the girl's name always being 'Tsuki' or 'Sakura'? I don't want some people to feel hurt, but rarely anyone in Japan actually has such names - like Sasuke, is only an anime character name (I would feel sorry if a guy actually had that name). And yeah, it's so refreshing for you to write a satirical parody of all the OP Mary Sues. ;p I mean, we already have Vivi in the canon OP story.
bulletsforvalent chapter 15 . 1/27/2015
kyaaa! Nami on top? Im a namixkidd worshipper now!
Luffy D. Hancock chapter 14 . 10/18/2014
Luffy D. Hancock chapter 3 . 10/18/2014
"I want an abortion" xD
Luffy D. Hancock chapter 2 . 10/18/2014
Dafuq xD
MelodicMage chapter 1 . 7/26/2014
I laugh every time I reread this. This is my favorite thing in existence 3
69AnimeFreak69 chapter 12 . 7/5/2014
I have nothing against people who ship and write ZoSan for their fans and themselves, but everyone needs to face it that it will never be canon. It couldn't be more obvious that Sanji is into females...
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