Reviews for Enter the Foreign
Radical Dreamer 57 chapter 14 . 9/6
It's rare to see totally made up AU or Legacy Era stuff stuff.

Can't wait to see more of Anakin and Allana interacting.
HubrisP chapter 14 . 8/27
Another excellent chapter, lol. Lord almighty, I actually loved how "hard" Krayt has it for Ben, shame that they are cousins, lol. This exemplifies everything I imagined with Ben being tempted or turned, the intimacy of it, and I am a mad slasher gone wild lol.

It is ever so tempting to offer suggestions and ideas, but... I know better than to stick my fingers into another's pie. Still, the depth... how can anyone blame me for still wishing to collaborate with you, despite knowing how busy you are. Forgive my selfish desires, lol.
evan17w chapter 13 . 8/22
Literal cliffhanger.
phantom-jedi1 chapter 13 . 8/19
Welcome back! Looking forward to finally finding out where this story goes. :)
Inksplosion chapter 13 . 8/12
I just discovered this fic and read most of it in one sitting. I'm enjoying every twist and turn and consequence.
HubrisP chapter 13 . 8/11
Excellent work, as always. And welcome back. I am quite enjoying the dynamics of this story, and of course, my favourite boy Ben for the win against any and all Sith that want to try. Keep up the excellent work.

On a side note, if you were ever interested in a collab or to chat, my door is always open.
Virginian89 chapter 13 . 8/11
Jebus, an actual update. Quite a welcome sight after all this time ;)
HarmonyGirl567 chapter 11 . 11/17/2018
A Great-Grandfather meets his Great-Granddaughter;)
Pink ranger 13 chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
its a great story and please continue the story! ! !
SnowflakesandMozart chapter 12 . 1/10/2017
This AU is compelling. I'm wildly curious to know the previous identities of Krayt and some of the other Sith Lords. This view of the GFFA future is chilling and I'm worried whether Anakin will fall to the Dark Side again. I know you must be busy with your family and that writing while caring for kids is super challenging, so I understand that you may not add any more to this story. Nevertheless, I am adding it to my follows just in case you work on it more eventually.
QuantumKakarotto chapter 12 . 12/18/2015
This story is very interesting and good, I hope that one day you come back to it and finish it off
Ashanonymous chapter 12 . 7/23/2015
Hi. I really like this fic. I especially love how protective Anakin obviously feels of his grandchildren. Update soon please!

Question... Was Festus going to violate Allana? If you get my meaning.
hadesgirl015 chapter 8 . 7/15/2013
Darth Festus ? His name is Darth Happy?
21stseventeen chapter 12 . 3/22/2013
This is a great story. Really well done, I love it.
Kudos :)
Finland Skywalker chapter 10 . 11/6/2012
awesome storry dude
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