Reviews for The Beholder
jayswing96 chapter 9 . 5/2/2017
Durk is too emotionally invested in this case and it blocking things from her investigation. I hope this continues. Will it?
dani-the-mani chapter 9 . 7/16/2014
This story is absolutely amazing. Neal can't get relocated though! New York would fall!
00-night-eyes-00 chapter 9 . 6/20/2014
love it looking forward to more
JD277 chapter 9 . 8/30/2013
Wonderful story! Shame its not finished!
ClaMiAl chapter 9 . 2/11/2013
Interesting story. Has me curious what's going to happen next. Be careful with confusing similar-sounding or similarly spelled words, though (e.g., defiantly and definitely, common and come on, ill and I'll etc). It's been a while since the last chapter was posted, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for more chapters. :-)
IOTR chapter 9 . 7/2/2011
I love the premise of this story! Poor Neal, though... I'll be waiting for more, haha.
Afsu chapter 9 . 4/30/2011
Will you ever going to update? This wait is painful. At least let us know. Please.
alvahana chapter 9 . 3/19/2011
I really like your story! I hope you update soon coz I'm dying to know what happens next!
Mimbillia chapter 9 . 2/25/2011

This story is soo interesting


i did find some grammatical errors but WHO CARES! this has me hooked!. keep up the good work and plz update soon im dying to know whats going to happen!
Kiki 42 chapter 9 . 10/31/2010
The plot you have constructed is an intriguing one; I can see promise in where this is going. However, you lack credibility as a writer with the numerous grammatical and spelling errors sprinkled throughout your story.

I understand the difficulties in securing a beta reader for your work, and have read reviews left previously by other readers which state the same concerns for your story, but nine chapters later with the same mistakes suggests to me that your concern is merely to get 'a' story out rather than a well-crafted story out to the public.

Don't get me wrong; you have some wonderful ideas here and I can see a lot of promise. However, you seem to not take the necessity of the structure of your story into consideration as part of the overall tone. When someone reads a story, the goal is for the reader to become immersed into the world that the author has crafted. This cannot happen when spelling and grammatical mistakse crop up at random, interrupting the immersion process.

As I see it, you have a sort of crossroads lying before you. It all comes down to your goals as an author. If you simply wish to cobble a story together quickly and publish it for the sole purpose of getting rave reviews from a few readers, then by all means you can continue on the path you have been taking. Hoewver, if you wish to improve yourself and establish yourself as a creditable writer in the field, even online, then you will need to see grammar and spelling as important as plot and character development. No worthwhile story can be written without all of these facets coming together.

I apologize for the long review, but as a growing writer myself, I have benefitted from constructive criticism from other authors on this site. I hope you take this review under consideration for a tool to improve your skills. I definitely see great potential with your style as an author, but as it stands now, I will not be returning to read any more of your works until they are fully reviewed by a beta reader.
inlovewithfanfics chapter 9 . 10/7/2010
Please, please, please update soon! I'm exited to know what'll happen. How are the murders reinactments og Neal? When is The Beholder coming back? How long do you estimate this fic'll be?

I LOVE this fic! As I have said over and over again. Keep up the amazing work.

As always:

Please update! Please update! Please update! Pretty please?
Susangel chapter 9 . 10/5/2010
That agent Durk really is an evil bitch!I hope in the end she sees just how wrong she's been acting towards Neal...

And please,please,please don't have Neal relocated!

Can't wait for the next chapter!And more Neal whumpage!
Deej1957 chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
Just found this story and have made my way through the first chapter. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue, though, even though I very much enjoy the plot. You still have so very many grammatical and spelling errors, even though you mention that you went in and fixed things up.

Please get a beta to go over stuff before you post- you have the makings of an excellent writer if you learn from this and get rid of the errors!
Sweetbriar chapter 9 . 9/20/2010
I just found this story, and I'm already enjoying it a lot.

I love the creativity behind it. There definitely seems to be an overreaching arc, which is great in a story that seems to be going in for the long haul. I really like that this feels like something I can sink my teeth into-sit down and read it, unlike a lot of other long stories that seem disconnected and incomplete no matter how long they become.

The characters seem quite true to the versions of them we see on the screen. That's a very enjoyable part of the story. Neal seems humanized and vulnerable in a unique way-not an out-of-character way, but definitely not as infallible as his image in the series appears. And that's the thing: he just appears perfectly in order, in control, all the time. He's a conman, so it works since the audience is supposed to see what he wants them to see. That's the beauty of writing: you can see more about the character than they will really allow otherwise.

I can't wait for more. :)
Sarah Butter chapter 9 . 9/14/2010
i can't wait to see what comes next!
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