Reviews for The Three little scoobies and CO
Sick Of It All chapter 1 . 9/23/2010
Buffy bashing, Faith/Selene, butchery of childrens classics as well as adding yourself in a narrators position?

Fucking awesome! All the elements you need for a classic fic and this was a really fun little thing, much enjoyment was had by me.

And I loved the 'sparkly douche bag in a tree'. Wunderbar!

Never thought about Faith and Selene before, but now I can't stop thinking about it! Thankyou for increasing my fantasies tenfold.

Got any others up your (bandaged) sleeve? Or should I chase you with needles? ;)
sweetlemongrass chapter 1 . 5/31/2010
Im very confused and slightly disturbed but all in all, highly entertained! I loved it!

P.S. How many drugs were you taking?
AuroraLamia chapter 1 . 1/22/2010
Ah, I loved it - I love all of your 'butchering Children's Story Parody's' :)