Reviews for Misunderstandings
cato1850 chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
How sad for Talia. She will need to go back now when her empathy is at a point where she can "Show" her sister what she feels rather than trying to explain it to someone who has no idea about the real life outside that small minded world. I love that you wrote something for Valdemar, there are so few.
Susan M. M chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
Very nicely done. With this background, Vrisa's actions make sense ... which, with all due respect to Misty Lackey, they didn't in the book.

A good short story is harder to write than a good long story. I'm impressed with how much you accomplished in so few words.
Pippa Spark chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
this was really good insight into a character we never got to see much of - and now I see her this way :) your portrayal was really interesting and well written. nice work :)
Foxfire1 chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Wow! This is amazingly written. I love the way you gave us details on Vrisa that made her not only sympathetic but *interesting*; I was absorbed enough in her problems and worldview that I was about as surprised as she was when Talia showed up. It's sad, but beautifully, beautifully done, and now I've got this sneaking urge to see how Vrisa's life goes from here. Which is the mark of a really good story IMO. Kudos!
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
We know Talia's opinion on Holderkin, now we see another side of the story.

Vrisa is very convincing in your story. Just as Talia can't run away from Herald's duties, she can't run away from being First Wife.

That's really sad.
Trina Ti chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
What a great little side note. I really could see it happening just like that. I can't wait for your next Mercedes Lackey story.
Jaelle17 chapter 1 . 1/20/2010
Yeah, it always seemed that Misty kind of didn't really think through the whole Talia-returning-to-rescue-Vrisa thing. Of course, Vrisa would have children, and Talia's assumption that Vrisa would either want or be able to just abandon them to start her life over in a totally foreign environment seems quite short-sighted.

Very nice story.