Reviews for In Years When We Get Older
Jamie chapter 1 . 9/18/2010
Hahaha ok this so weird, but I seriously watched that movie yesterday...I guess it's fate that I'm reading your story today ;) While I was reading the first line of this story I thought, hmm that sounds familiar! and then that line came along: "What always happens. Life." and I knew it was from 500 days of summer :D I absolutely loved the movie and the message it had. I really enjoyed your story. I didn't mind that they did not get together in the end as much as I didn't mind in the movie, it just seemed right that way. You did a brilliant job writing this. I liked the storyline and the way you described the characters, especially their feelings or rather Nick's feelings! Keep it up, you did a fantastic job, and I still can't get over what a coincidence this is :D
EpicFroggy chapter 1 . 7/18/2010



You gotta stop doing this. Making me cry with your amazing stories. I hate crying. But this... this was heart-breaking. So many raw emotions wrapped up poor Nick's thoughts. I don't think anyone could read this and not feel something. And I did love the ending. [500] Days of Summer is one of my favourite sappy chic flicks (I don't really like chic flicks, though, so...) because of the not-exactly-happy-but-also-not-sad ending. It's kind of nice to read a story where the characters that seem meant for each other both end up finding someone more... right for them. Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that you love two things - making Nick suffer and making me cry. Not that those are bad things.
iknowhowyoukiss chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
*( That's all I've got for you for the next minute or so.


Okay, so, now that I've somewhat collected myself. That was heartbreakingly beautiful. I mean, HEART. BREAKINGLY. BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely loved seeing Nacy through the years, and Nick's pain and longing even after all that time was so incredibly well-written. I loved that the powers of the Universe, or whatever it was LOL, were still putting them in each other's lives, i.e. meetings at Joe and Stella's, meetings at the coffee shop, etc.

When Macy showed up with Justin, the way you described him, dark hair and blue eyes, made me automatically think of David Henrie, so it was really entertaining to discover it was Justin from WoWP when you mentioned Macy going into the deli on Waverly Place. I had to re-read that part because I was stunned, "WHAT. Did that say Waverly PLACE? O.O"

I have to admit though, the Nacy fan in me was hoping for an ultimate reunion. It really broke my heart to find out they didn't get the happy ending that I wanted for them. I think for me, what hurts is that it took so long for Nick to be able to let go and that Macy let go long before he did. It hurt because I didn't want that for them. You wrote it so that it made me root for them and hope that they would end up together. But despite all that, and I can't believe I'm saying this, particularly because Nacy is my numero uno ship right now, but I can appreciate the direction you took this story in. Some things aren't meant to be in life, it is what it is. You live, you learn, you grow and, hopefully, you find the strength to move on.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. Even with the sad ending for this Nacy fan, I still really enjoyed it ) I'm glad that they both managed to find peace and happiness. I have to give a special shout-out to the post-its because those things were EPIC LOVE and just about the cutest thing EV-ER in all the Nacy fics I've read so far. Kudos to you for using them 3 Plus, they make me feel like Nick will always carry Macy with him, no matter where he ends up, she's still inside of him and with him - you can't erase your past - and ultimately, it was her that kind of "saved" him even though they weren't together anymore. She was able to bring him out of his funk and ground him again. Thanks for that! ;)

With that said, I'm off to go read some more of your amazing work! XO
these-truths chapter 1 . 3/5/2010
I really, really loved it. SO much. There's angst, and lots of it, but there's also a bit of love's practical side, and then there's the happy ending Nick never thought he'd have. :D
Hey chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
It's funny I like it espicially Alex's lines
Farii chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
OMG OMG OMG! I swear I'm in love with your story! Like, in love in love! xD 3
x-HotMess chapter 1 . 2/3/2010

500 Days Of Summer is probably my favourite romantic movie because it defies the norm and the boy and the girl DON'T end up together, and I love how you transitioned that scenario in JONAS.

I think I've told you how much I adore your writing over and over again, and this piece was no different, the emotions leaping out of the screen at me and making it so relatable. I absolutely loved it, my dear.

And for some reason this reminded me of a book called Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. She's a fabulous australian author, and I highly recommend it.
porcelian-doll chapter 1 . 1/30/2010

how do i express how much i love this?

i mean, really. it's hard not to love your stories. they don't have a big "wow!" in-your-face type of sadness, happiness, or lonliness. it's quieter. and then you finish reading and realize how much of this you're missing in your writing.

now, the actual story: wow wow wow. i got really sad toward the end because i figured it would be one of those typical-but-brilliant sad-ending nick/macy stories that you are so amazing at. but the whole thing with macy and justin was written so well that i couldn't help but laugh- i mean, it is so like justin russo to complain about his dad to a random customer. and then nick meeting alex- i don't normally like nick/alex or nate/alex at all, but the interaction between them was written awesomely. i can totally see them behaving like this. and as alex says, gotta give props where they're due.

i really loved this and would love some more like this. the way you write is so heartbreakingly brilliant. i wish i had 1/16 of the writing talent that you do.

xx blake.
LaPaige chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
It took me forever to work out it was Justin Russo, but this was once again beautiful. Your writing is so unique and has this certain thing about it. And even though it sounds a little strange, I'm glad Nick didn't end up with Macy. And how Stella and Joe had a child. And Kevin was mentioned too, and Frankie. Wonderful, as usual :D
shelbyxjazmine chapter 1 . 1/26/2010
Here's the thing.

At the end of this peice, I felt that everyone had found their serenity except for me. I'm usually not into to the cliche, high-school romance that lasts forever, but somehow this story was so beautifully broken I felt that they should have found their way back to each other somewhere along the lines. And they did, just not in the way I expected, nor enjoyed.

And for that, I have to thank you for writing one of the best extraordinary stories I have ever read.

My heart cringed and ached from the dull pain Macy felt when she rode away to the reunion of hearts at the end. I predicted that they weren't going to end together, but all the numbing events made my head spin with grief and laughter from the way I was reacting to 6,962 words. This peice pulls you through the grueling proces of falling out of love, and falling right back into it.

Unlike Macy, I beleive that she was 'The One" for Nick and vise versa. Not saying that they are now, but at some point in their lives, they were 'The One'. I'm a hopeless dreamer, and I think that there can be more than one 'The One's' in youtr lifetime. For Macy though, Justin was her one, her second, and her third.

Before I submit, I feel that I'm fit to address the wonderful sticky-notes. Maybe I'm looking into to this too much, but it's almost as if tehy will never leave - she will never leave. She's in life forever, stuck to him as her high school sweetheart, her temporary 'One', adn those things cannot be erased. It's almost like something could change, but the past does not.

Thank you for writing and keep up the extraordinary work.
FudgeCakes chapter 1 . 1/19/2010
There’s a pause and then, “What always happens. Life.”

i loved that line in the movie and to see that here...

it pretty much sums up the story, how some relationships just fade away, how the two just gradually grow from each other.

"But that’s the whole point. You won’t really know it till you actually feel it, till you actually meet the right person.”

“I thought I did.”

Another of my favorites. Its both heart-warming and breaking at the same time.

Im gunna kinda go off topic here, but i noticed you write some of your pieces based off of, or is at least inspired by, music and songs. And i was curious to see what you would write with The Temper Trap's Love Lost. If you haven't listened to it before, please, please do. I really do love that song. one of my favorite parts goes,

"When you're ready

I am here

To take you every time..."

But really the whole song is wonderful, indescribable...

Anyways sorry about that, but really i can't wait till i read you're nevt story.
pariswindspeed chapter 1 . 1/19/2010
It was heart wrenching, sad, and beautiful all wrapped up together. It was beautiful when Macy reminded him of what really was always inspiring him. I thought it was brilliant.

You wrote it incredibly, be quite proud. (:

ofmermaidsandmarauders chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
YAY! i loved the nickxmacy; but i loved the nalex at the end :)
suburbs chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
HI! It has been awhile since we talked, but I understand. Life is crazy here too. I really loved your story - and I liked that you made me want Nick and Macy together, but when you described her with Justin, I felt torn because she seemed so happy. You do that to me - you pull my emotions all over the place in your stories. And even when you take them places I don't want them to go, I enjoy the ride (which says something about your writing).
WyszLo chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
I don't know why I put myself through this...

I KNEW it was 500 days of summer from the opening line... and I still read it.

I still read it even though I knew what would happen. (As I was listening to Who I Am, which gave this a whole other dimension...)

Don't get me wrong, it was beautifully written, really really wonderful, which is I guess the reason why I finished. I mean the whole thing about the post it notes was just perfect.

But I was literally in tears, and honestly felt a little nauseous. And I KNEW what was gonna happen...

I'm sorry I can't bring myself to leave a positive review, but you it was beautifully written like I said.

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