Reviews for Saturday Morning Surprise
angeljoones chapter 3 . 9/23/2010
this story is awesome!

please update? ahah :)

LiveLaughLoveFP chapter 3 . 4/15/2010
I had completly forgotten about this story. Its cute. I like the relationship between Shane and Caitlyn. Hoping for more updates soon!
of self chapter 3 . 4/15/2010
Haha. This is the one time I kind of actually feel bad for Shane. But never mind. Caitlyn is going to surprise him and I love how eager he is about that. Cant wait to read more. :)
UnapologeticallyMe chapter 3 . 4/13/2010
This was really cute. I love how Shane was so desperate and that Caitlyn forgave him quickly for being cross. I was surprised but definitely pleased when I saw you updated this. Good job!
angellwings chapter 3 . 4/13/2010
aw, that was NOT pathetic! That was awesome! Shane and Caitlyn are both so funny! I loved that Shane didn't actually have to do the do over, and that he was willing to do it to begin with. So cute. Great work!
PurpleAngel87 chapter 3 . 4/13/2010
That was perfect. I liked that at the end he was sort of 'yeah, you can do it, that's fine with me' and loved the slight comparison to Mitchie. I liked that he could tell how she was going to act a little - like with the do-over. And of course I love any chance that Caitlyn takes at mocking Shane, so I loved that. And I do apologise for the weirdness that is this review (and I hope it makes sense), but I was really pleased and excited to see that you'd written something. Even more excited to see that it was another chapter to this story. Great job, as usual.
PurpleAngel87 chapter 2 . 3/31/2010
I had to double check that this story was marked as complete, because I thought there would be a little more but maybe that's just wishful thinking :D.

I liked the two different points of view - Caitlyns reaction to Shane in general in the first chapter was great and I loved how you showed that she relies on the witty banter that she's known for quite a bit. I also liked the fact that even though she took the opportunity of making a mention to Mitchie, she didn't let the fact that she was talking to her friend's ex dictate the tone of the conversation. And the compliments that they paid each other were perfectly natural.

I loved the apporach that Nate took to get Shane to admit that he had dibs on Caitlyn - that would definitely be an approach that Shane would use were the situation reversed. Definitely enjoyed this - I'm definitely noticing a lack of Caitlyn stories recently too.

Oh and if getting my reviews were the highlight of your week :S Hope the week went well anyway!
CamillaxbG chapter 2 . 2/20/2010
please, please update soon. I realy like it.
Ccspot chapter 2 . 1/30/2010
WHHATT no it cannot be complete please tell me its not and continue:)
faerietaleredux chapter 2 . 1/21/2010
You've gotta love people who walk into a room carrying a tray of coffees. It's sweet, generous, and definitely appreciated in my book. Go Jason!

I love Nate and Jason inviting themselves to dinner. (Well, Nate invited himself, Jason innocently asked to tag along. Though you never know with the "innocent" ones if they really had another agenda all along and just appear to be happily oblivious to what's going on... That book I read has me paranoid about those things. Ignore me). ANyway, it's very cute. And amusing. As is SHane's horror at the idea of his intimate date turning into a Connect-3-Caitlyn reunion.

I absolutely love the unexpected place you took this. Much more interesting and entertaining than just getting a glimpse of their actual date. How many times have I said "I love" in this review? I need to work on expanding my vocabulary.

I'm very excited about you subbing with the library. That's awesome! I hope your hubby's recovery is smooth sailing. :) Glad the operation went ok.

Talk to you soon,

faerietaleredux chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
This marks the first fic I've read in ages. I was going to drop you an email (my internet works again! Someone from AT&T had to fix the phone line on our road), but remembered that you 'd written a story and thought I could take advantage of the fact that I'm miserably sick (and have to stay home) and there's a horrific storm going on here and so have the perfect circumstances to catch up on some reading. :) I hope you're doing ok, Kendra. And aren't over-worked.

This is what I was planning to send in my email: "I sat around all day watching random Edward Albert romantic comedies from the early 70's, craving coconut water. Thinking, I should be writing right now. Remember how I told you I started outlining your JONAS story on break at work? Turns out I left it there. And those pages have been ripped out of my notebook o_O. Talk about awkward."

But, now, onto the review! It feels good to write one. :)

I LOVE the way this starts. The concept of Shane not recognizing Caty, and being frustrated, feels both plausible and in-character.

"He had actually come to camp to break up with the brunette singer he had been dating for over a year, and the last memory Caitlyn had of Shane was glaring at him while she held on to her sobbing friend." What an image! I love that you see everyone in that little snapshot from the past-him, Mitchie, Caitlyn. Caitlyn's glare makes me smile because I can totally envision it. She's always had a certain special spunk.

"She felt ridiculously pleased that he remembered so much about her." A very legit reaction. Being remembered (especially the little things) is part of knowing whether you're important to someone. Makes me think of an audiobook I just listened to and loved. Ignore the lame title, "The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks." But more about that later.

“Is that what you were doing? Keeping me in line?... I thought you just enjoyed torturing me.” - Ha! Love it. :)

I really like all of their conversation. The dialogue is just right-amusing, yet still highlighting the slight awkwardness that comes from reconnecting with someone you haven't seen in ages.

Oh my. OlderShane is quite bold! Caitlyn almost spitting out her drink is cracking me up.

Yay for chapter 2 already being released.
of self chapter 2 . 1/19/2010

I get my Kevin fix, but this just reminded me how much I miss Jason and his general adorableness. Now that my fangirl is out of the way, let me tell you how much I enjoyed Nate pushing Shane's buttons. And Shane getting all riled up was hilarious. (P.S I have just realized that Shane gets riled up so fast. No wonder I enjoy people making fun of him.)

Nice update Kendra. :)
LaPaige chapter 2 . 1/19/2010
This is so cute. I lovelove your Jason, he's the best :) I love how you're writing this :D
L's Successor chapter 2 . 1/19/2010
hehaha :P

i love jason

you put himsuch into character
UnapologeticallyMe chapter 2 . 1/18/2010
Aw, so cute! Lol Yeah, this was a little shorter than I had expected but still cute! I love Shane being protective of Caitlyn!

Good job!
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