Reviews for The Old Woman
Vashti chapter 1 . 7/30/2017
I saw the Old Kes episode recently, and this is a much nicer alternative to that storyline! And with this storyline, there's still room for Tom to fall for B'Elanna, albeit under different circumstances. (If I thought I had a better handle on the characters, I think I'd write it myself!) Thanks so much for sharing.
SwansAndQueens chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
You did a fantastic job with fixing the story of Kes! I absolutely hate what the writers did with her character in the show when the older Kes comes back and tries to kill the rewrote the story perfectly. This is how it should have happened.
tiamat100 chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
This is beautiful. I wish they'd done this as an episode. I can see it clearly in my mind. You've been so descriptive and everyone's in character so well. This is amazing.