Reviews for Dust to Dust (Old)
Kishkan chapter 69 . 6/1/2019
I binge read both new then old Dust to Dust.
I liked them both. Thank you for sharing. :)
Kishkan( at Nexus)
GothicRose18 chapter 69 . 3/10/2019
I love this story. It brings back much-loved memories of my Oblivion days. XD

Personally, I enjoy the charm of the original (I haven't read your rewrite yet) and it would be a shame for it to be replaced. And...I like leaving feedback. XD I'm not sure if you can review a chapter twice. I'll be sad that I can't gush over new things in the comments, but I'm just a goob. You could always republish THIS current chapter with a note about the rewrite and just continue - steadily add the new updated chapters (maybe like a weekly thing?). I don't think any reader would complain over more to read XD.

But I have no idea! 8D Maybe another reviewer can offer a better alternative? I look forward to more, regardless of how! :D
Cyclone160 chapter 69 . 2/12/2019
I don't think you should delete the old entirely. I feel like it would be a sad loss. Also, all those wonderful reviews!
Cyclone160 chapter 69 . 2/12/2019
I don't think you should delete the old entirely. I feel like it would be a sad loss. Also, all those wonderful reviews!
DarkAvenger1506 chapter 69 . 2/10/2019
Oh. My. God. PLEASE post the new chapters here, even if we have to wait for newer ones. Damn it all I’ve been following this story for years now, I can wait a little longer for new chapters. Rereading the older ones and getting to experience this story again with more depth sounds like a win to me.
Bigguestinboots chapter 69 . 2/9/2019
I am in love with Dust. But im also a huge Brotherhood fan.

Love the tale so far. Cant wait for more.
Neulach chapter 69 . 2/9/2019
I’d love to read a rewrite! (What other site was it that you’ve started posting it?)
As for the story here I would start posting the improved chapters as a new story and leave this story as it is - update the bio to say there is a rewrite and once it’s up post a chapter like this one to let readers know where to find it/what’s it’s called etc.
I don’t think editing chapters doesn’t sends out email notifications so it might cause confusion as to were it’s been changed/where you should read to if you were to do it that way.

After a point you could delete this whole story (saving reviews if you are fond of them) but I guess it just depends on how you feel about it cluttering up your profile page!
YukiSylmaer chapter 69 . 2/9/2019
why don't you keep the original and make a second fic but with the newly updated chapters?

I was literally talking about your fic to a friend just the other day so to see that you're still going with it, makes me SOOOO happy. This is by far my very favourite elder scrolls fic of ALL time! much excite for the update!
Guest chapter 68 . 9/28/2018
Neulach chapter 68 . 5/2/2018
I did originally start this fic because of the dark brotherhood but I am really loving the way you’ve taken it now.
It’s rare to see a DB fic where the characters and there actions aren’t romanticised. You’ve made Lucian an arsehole and everytime he does something vaguely nice (oblivion gate) you remind us that he’s a terrible person (Phillida). Really because of that it makes sense that Dust would want to leave the DB, she never wanted to be there in the first place!
I also like that this isn’t just a rehash of the game plot with dust as the hero of kvatch stand-in, I really dislike that in a story - it’s so limiting! Saying that I love the little references to quests and plot points!

I can’t speak for everyone but I am more than happy with the way the plot is going right now, though I wonder if Bolor is going to make a reappearance at some point - he is the only plot thread that is still dangling in the wind!

MannaChuu chapter 68 . 2/6/2018
I had this fanfic saved from years ago and seeing all the updates at once was really awesome. So i finally came back reread and let me tell you. Wowies! I couldn't put my tablet down. (I got the app) I binge read all 67 chapters over two days! I love how you've described Lucien. He's such a loveable smartass with his pet names for Dust. It's also fantastic how you've taken aspects from the games main story and side questlines and put your own spin on things! Is Dust going to end up in the Shivering Isles? Is Lucien going to follow her like he did into Oblivion? Oh my gosh, I just can't wait to see! Please stay interested and update soon! xx
TheOneThatSeesGNS chapter 68 . 11/16/2017
Aw damn, last chapter so far, XD it's so good I forgot and I was about to click to the next, but couldn't

I loveeeeee this story tho, wasn't sure at the beginning cuz I was a little confused, but now I love ittttt OuO please please pleaseeeeeeee do more, you're amazing at this
ansrali chapter 67 . 4/29/2017
wow true serendipity- i often think of this fic and the impact ((the first version too!)) had on me, and in a retrospective moment, i googled the most familiar terms i could think of for this story ((which i havent accessed for years))- only to find that the story has been updated this month? incredible! my favorite fic of all time, reborn in a sense, hope you're doing well and glad to hear Dust's story is continuing in any way you see it fit. Thank you! 3
GothicRose18 chapter 64 . 10/19/2016
Ugh, please update! I just finished reading this all over again XD I missed it! And I have to say, I do like where it's going. I always liked Dust's character and there's so much to explore in Oblivion. Can't wait to see where she goes! 8D
Nevermourn chapter 64 . 10/18/2016
So excited for more! You write Sheo really good. I imagine she'll miss all the glee at the shrine and go running back to Sheo. I can imagine him marching her in front of the Night Mother ans being like "this is mine now". Lol
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