Reviews for It's Always Been You
zozo42 chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
aw i love Nate and Jenny!
alekeneka chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
fantastic one shot! I loved it. It's going under my favorites!
FRubberDuck chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
This story pretty much took my breath away!

I love the way you wrote it and the ending, so perfect, it almost made me teary!

You should write much more of these!
emilyforprez chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
"Nate’s smile left his face as well as he was now reminded of Serena. Yes, he loved Serena two years ago, but did he really still love her now? Or was she just convenient? He was constantly questioning his love for Serena, but when it came to Jenny, he always felt the same. Yes, he may have pretended for a whole year that Jenny didn’t mean anything to him. But it had always been there, no matter whom he was with. Blair, Vanessa, or Serena. His love had always been with her. Ever since that fateful night in October, he loved Jenny Humphrey."

I especially love this, and the way you completely dissed Serenate on a subtle scale. ;) I hate the monstrosity of Serena and Nate, and I can tell you do, too, and that makes me very, very happy. I mean, come on, it took 50 girls for Nate to realizes he still LURVES Serena? Get real! While, after having flings with ALL these girls, he wrote an actual letter to Jenny saying he had real feelings. I dunno about you, but I don't get the impression that Nate writes a whole lot, and it should be special coming from him.


This was super, super cute. I was a bit confused as to what happened to Jenny, and I'm sure it was something to do with her being ill, though from the context, I was thinking... rape. Something happened with Damien? I'm not sure. But the fact that we get to interpret it how we wish is really refreshing; more of a show-not-tell situation. I could see this happening, these same exact thoughts in Nate's head.

Of course, with how stupid season three is being lately, we can only hope for more Nate/Jenny in the future. Spoiler alert, but you know, Jenny's going to try to steal Nate from Serena, but apparently he's resisting. It makes me excited yet apprehensive for more NJ in the future. And, with how they're writing Nate, and how they are listening to the majority of the fanbase, I'm sure it'll end with Jenny's broken heart and Serenate skipping along in a meadow of flowers and sunshine.

Ugh, gag me with a spoon. I wish this would happen in the show! All my troubles would be fixed. D: