Reviews for The Migration
The Jingo chapter 15 . 5/5/2019
This was great
DireLurker chapter 15 . 9/8/2014
Over a year later and I still come back, hoping this has been updated :P
Life happens, I understand. Wish you the best, and I continue to hope for more.
jklugh chapter 15 . 9/8/2013
I just found this and really hope it is just sleeping not dead. Good prose and interesting characterization I really hope you continue this.
Delais Starlight chapter 15 . 5/4/2013
Loving the story. Hope to see it continue.
All cats are grey chapter 15 . 4/18/2013
Much love for this,obviously my baby Kallian was going to impress Morrigan. I was not disappointed in the slightest and I loved how much you've focused on Alistair's former education,eheh. The little gestures between Aedan and Kallian were great,it is amazing that they know each other enough to decipher little body language.

I'm already cracking up for Flemeth.
kalmari chapter 15 . 4/10/2013
Yay, a new update! So, can I have more, please :P? Yeah, can't help myself, but It just has been excellent so far. Thank you for this.
Delais Starlight chapter 3 . 4/10/2013
Well; I've read the first few chapters and I intend to keep going. This story seems very interesting.
Shinkansen chapter 15 . 4/10/2013
The accent always cracks me up.
DarthNacho chapter 15 . 4/9/2013
Hmmm... A small suggestion. Slightly longer chapters. Your story is really good, but your updates don't give me enough to satiate my hunger. If this is a natural break point, that's fine.
Ghosthands chapter 14 . 4/6/2013
I like your characterization's. Brings more depth to the characters and I find myself liking them even more.

I had started reading this thinking that eventually that Kallian and Aedan would be together romantically but from what you have written so far that doesnt seem the case. Although there is still alot of stuff to get through so for now I will continue reading hoping that it comes together for them. If not I will probably still read it but with disappointment etched in.

Your writing is wonderful though. Good dialogue and banter. Although I myself wanted to hit Daveth myself a few times for flirting.
All cats are grey chapter 14 . 3/2/2013
Hahahah omg I love how you have Kallian talking to Morrigan-raven here! It is something that also Morrigan did when she was younger.
And I love the fact it is Alistair who actually stopped her conversation with the raven.I have always thought that Morrigan and Alistair were actually two face of the same coin. He tries a lot to be better and she does a lot to be worst than what she actually is.
So it is just perfection that in this scene in which Kallian is doing something Morrigan used to do,she's stopped by Alistair.
I know I'm probably reading too much in this,but it's just a flawless coincidence.

You're constantly giving both Jory and Daveth some depth. I'm glad of the bond Daveth and Aedan are making.
Too bad it won't last,but you're certainly doing them both far more justice than the writers of the game.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
I'm not really a huge fan of Morrigan but I can understand her and I'm interested in her anyway.
Thank you so much for this.
DarthNacho chapter 14 . 2/28/2013
Oh my, what do we have here? In comes the plot. I'm excited! Keep it up.
CynderJenn chapter 13 . 2/27/2013
I'm super excited that your updating again! This was one of the first stories I started reading on FF and became one of my favorites.
And yes, I'm a month behind with reading so I'm not going to give you any hassle about how long it has been since the last update.
kalmari chapter 13 . 2/9/2013
I rejoiced when I saw the update for this. Without commenting the chapter itself, it’s a very respectable quality in a writer that you were able to continue after a break like that. I can imagine that the threshold must have been high. I definitely hope to see more.
All cats are grey chapter 13 . 2/6/2013
The joy I felt when I saw this update! I was screaming!
I'm so happy you are giving Daveth and Jory more adds depth.
It makes so much sense she's afraid of Aedan's judgement. I think she'll stop having these outbursts at him only after she will tell him though. It is one of those situations in which you necessarily have to be proven wrong by people and facts.
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