Reviews for In Order To Remember
Ritu chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
Excellent story! This story and its sequel should have had many many more reviews!
SOulWindWALKER chapter 16 . 11/17/2013
wonderful story! thank you for your brilliant characterisation and plot!
DareIAsk chapter 1 . 1/19/2013
I watched the whole Fruits Basket series in two days. I'm serious. I love it. The only problem with going so fast is that once I'm done, I get bored. I go insane when I'm bored. So I come here, to Fanfic Land, searching for a good FB-fic that will immediately capture my interest, is written in a style that flows well for me, and features my absolute favorite character (Kyo) in a non-irritating if not non-romantic way. Bonus points for getting the character dialouge down pat! Am loving this so far; can't wait to wrap up this rev and get going to the next chap!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/16/2012
Love it!
raeofshimmeringsunshine chapter 16 . 6/12/2012
Wow, that was a magnificent story! I loved how Akito wasn't portrayed as tje complete malocipus villain as he/she usually is. I will certainly read the sequel! Again, marvelous story!
TheWackedOne chapter 16 . 11/30/2011


going on to 2 tomorrow
xXAnachronIsmEpsIceXx chapter 15 . 11/15/2011
Ah, this chapter was SO tense. I loved it. I love how even though you shifted perspectives in this ALOT, the writing didn't become garlbed or jumbled up together. I felt I should comment about this. *continues reading* :P
TheChronicals-Dreamer chapter 16 . 11/5/2011
there should be a sequel to this!
FBFan chapter 16 . 6/2/2011
This is really good! I enjoyed reading it :)
Glumbie chapter 15 . 10/10/2010
R U happy now? U made such an awesome story i can never stop reading! GRRRR u 4 ur awesome writing skills! ;)
Glumbie chapter 3 . 10/7/2010
I really really like this story! It is realy different and you portraid the characters so well! The only thing is why didn't Kyo turn into a cat when he was sick? Oh well it's still really good!
Madigan Keen chapter 16 . 10/3/2010
Oh my Akito!

This was by far one of the most emotional, in depth chapters of the story, and I couldn't love it more.

I can't believe how amazing you've portrayed Akito. I just can't get over it. It makes me feel like I'm reading a real book, and not fanfiction. It makes me feel like this is an actual novel in sequel to the last book I read.

I don't know how else to say that this story is amazing.

The inner demons they've all fought down is heartbreakingly wonderful, and Hatori is simply remarkable. No one ever really goes into any depth about him, and I don't think anyone would really bother to mention how tired he must be, and how much stress he must be under as the one doctor to all of those people. And Akito as well!

Anyways, I can't wait to read the sequel, and I hope that some of your talent rubs off on me so I can become as excellent a writer such as you!
Madigan Keen chapter 8 . 10/3/2010
I can't believe how incredible this is. How old are you anyways? Are you an actual published author? Because this is the work quality of one. I love so much how you portray Hatori, seemingly indifferent, but caring at the same time.

And Kazuma-even though I haven't read enough of him in the Manga, I'm sure you've got his personality right on the dot. He cares for Kyo, and he's perceptive to people around him... It's just too wonderful!

And then there's Shigure. Oh, God, Shigure. He's always been one of my favorite characters because of how funny he is. And Mii is the main reason he's so funny!

And last, but most emphatically not least, there's Akito. I think she's portrayed most amazingly of all. She doesn't show much emotion around others except merciless contempt, even though there's so much feeling built up inside her. It's pretty cool how you actually refer to her as the "she" that she is.

I have a question, though. In the manga (cuz I haven't read that far ahead yet), do Kyo, Shigure and Yuki either know or find out that Akito is a woman?

Well either way, I don't think I could love this story any more, and yet with every chapter that passes, I prove myself wrong.

~Mini Rant Alert!~ How come in every story I read, the word "choke" is spelled "chock"? Does the server automatically do that or something?

Sorry for the Mini Rant! Well anyways, I'm looking forward to reading Chapter 9, so I'll go now and get to readin'!
Madigan Keen chapter 3 . 10/3/2010
Dude, I'm only three chapters in and I've already assessed this story as incredibly ingenious! You've got everyone- even Akito, that almost no one knows anything about -completely in character, and you have the detail/dialogue ratio at a perfect balance. This is great stuff and I hope it continues!
Clueless.1 chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
That was simply brilliant! I had the most amazing time reading this wonderful story, you had me reading up till 5 am with your awesome writing skills! Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of writing, it made my..night XD Keep up the good work! :)
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