Reviews for Tomb Raider and Soul Reaver: Worlds Collide
SVP yes me chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
I'm re-reading this for the first time since 2003. I'm drawn in now just as I was then. I forgot how much I really missed this place and I forgot how much I really loved all of these stories. Miss you Syy'na 3
Rainbow Prime chapter 8 . 2/11/2018
What is the title to this chapter?!
Rainbow Prime chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
Lara is SO lucky that the Elder God isn't a Dalek.
www. youtube watch?vQbrxXr_lBds
dazz95 chapter 17 . 5/12/2012
i really enjoyed this story and if it is alright with you i would like to continue it one. not for a while i will with your promision of course
Ms Western Ink chapter 3 . 3/12/2009
I'm not a fan of crossovers by a mile and I've never played a Tomb Raider game. That being said, I love the Legacy of Kain series. I cannot believe I like this series, but you rock. Awesomely done, very well written.

The only good crossovers come from awesome writers.
Ace-of-spades3 chapter 17 . 1/1/2007
You have no idea what an enormous coincidence my finding of this story is. Only two days ago, I bought a new PS2, and I got to choose four games free with it, one of which was Tomb Raider I, another of which was Soul Reaver II. As I was gaily running around Lara's mansion, it suddenly struck me that they kind of fitted together quite well as a pairing, but I resigned myself to the fate of no one writing one, and mw bwing to lazy to be inclined to do it myself. But then I came on here and looked for some Soul Reaver fiction and I saw this! So yeah, long story short, I love this strange coincidence; cheers very much for writing it.
Moephius chapter 17 . 11/8/2005
Well, well, well. I really liked it. Apart, of course, from the silly idea of "Lara the Balance Guardian" and a bit too long love scene. The end is really... explosive, to say the least...
Moephius chapter 10 . 11/8/2005
Now that's a goddamn perversion! A silicon pseudoarcheologist and a ragged Reaper of Souls! Too much Harlequins, girl.
Agent-G chapter 17 . 12/13/2004
I found the third in this series and just started to read the first like you asked in the Author's Note and I really enjoied this story.

I loved how you had Lara, Raziel and Kain play off of each other and the Lara/Raziel thing was great. I didn't see her getting knocked up but I guess that's for future fics to go into now.

Well I'm off to read the 2nd story now.

Oh and I loved the little bit there about how Lara can just fit in a rocket launcher and other video game in-jokes you placed too.
Bandit666 chapter 17 . 9/2/2004
That counts as unexpected...
It's Raining Snow chapter 3 . 4/7/2004
'concubine?' someone dared to call Lara THAT! stupid stupid them. sounds as bit like she's haveing a bad day. great story! off to read the rest.
Dark-Sephy chapter 17 . 7/4/2003
GREAT story _ i love this!

great idea too of combining Tomb Raider with Soul Reaver
Not God chapter 15 . 6/5/2003
Tomb Rider and Soul Reaver together...DEAR GOD NO! NO! NO!

This is the work of SATAN!

The Gods will strike you down for this!
Zargreus chapter 11 . 5/28/2003
To that annoying punk out there.

I understand that lateley you have been terrorizing the wonderful authors here in the LOK wing of fanfiction net. And let me inform you a few details if you receive this. Yes, we are pathetic. we realise that these stories will never come to pass. What you seem to fail to realise is that these are no longer the stories YOU love. The stories published here in this wonderful site are ours to command and we don't need your snide opinion to muck up the works. We place disclaimers that we don't own the storyline but these tales that we compose are OURS. Our worlds, realities, and dimensions. The characters are as "out of character" as we want them to be. So do us all a favor and leave us alone. We don't need you, like you or want you. So just go.

There is one sad thing you have to consider also. We are sad a pathetic to write these. but you were pathetic to waste your time to bitch about it. At least we are having fun watching you dance like the little angry monkey that you are so go fetch a banana Bobo... Shoo.
E.L. Cui chapter 17 . 5/27/2003
I love this story (No wonder its in my list of faves.) I'm glad you made a follow-up because I would really would like to see what happens to Lara's pregnancy and what the child would be like having someone like Raziel for a father. Congratulations for a wonderful story!-
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