Reviews for North of the Wind
PenumbraTheWolf chapter 4 . 2/23/2015
I'm about to have my break after reading up to this chapter and I must say I've been enjoying reading this and it is beautifully written!

Even though Miranda's development as a character was under-developed to some, she is one my most favorite characters of the game, so I'm happy knowing someone wrote a fanfic that is dedicated to her! Thank you so much! I've been indeed anxious to know more about her backstory.
FallenAngelCyril chapter 10 . 5/15/2013
I know I'm a bit late with this review, but I hope you still read it.

This story is simply marvelous, easily one of the best - if not the best - pieces of LoD fanfiction. It's not exactly my view on post-game, but I don't mind.

I think you've done your job in proving that Miranda/Dart is viable, it wasn't even a pairing I was interested in before opening this, but I also very much like the idea of Miranda/Lavitz now, as well. The parallels you've drawn between them aren't ones I had and both characters are much more vivid than those I'd imagined. You've done beautiful work with all of your characters, I have new respect for the source material as well.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 10 . 4/22/2013
I find it difficult to believe they aren't all angry or disbelieving at Soa.

Ah, there is the snake. Meh.

Well, that's a shame and it makes even less sense how she saved him last chapter if she didn't wrench his spirit away. Now it's embedded in him. Why would the D.D want that? It would go away as well.

Claire gets the shaft every time. Poor Claire, almost always forgotten and alone.

Beautiful. "We have no home because we belong with each other."

Wait, if Shana actually had a soul, then it's even weirder that she died.

A little unsure of the Lavitz conversation. Is it Miranda/Lavitz now? I figured she'd ask if Dart would be there, but I guess since Lavitz is a ghost, he will be escorting her beyond when it is time?

It's a little uncertain and confusing, but how would the other Dragoons die? Dropping into madness like Dart did? But he, his spirit and his situation were different. None of the others have a love problem to drive it either. Except maybe Meru.

Comparing Lloyd and Dart, especially as 'monsters' is not fair. Dart was heartbroken and controlled. Lloyd was kind of a dumb selfish a-hole who stupidly took orders from some guy in a mask. Yeah, his intentions weren't all bad, but he didn't have to do a lot of things he did.

Maybe Lloyd did want to protect a pretty flower. I got the feeling it was more arrogance and bloodlust to kill an evil thing. He seemed to like to prove his strength with the Hero contest he had no business entering and humiliating and then killing the Bardel brother.

Still a very good finish, but I disliked that Wink was so dependent on Miranda's account of Lloyd and she didn't reciprocate for her on Dart's behalf.

I would have hated to wait for this to update, so I'm glad I got to read it completed.

Maybe it's because I still believe in a happy ending. I will resist that there can't be forever. Because life is too hard, fictional or not, to go on accepting you can't seek a lasting joy. Yes, a very good fic. Has themes of some of my other favorites too, like that joe HP fic I mentioned.

"There are no happy endings, but there can be happiness". Well, we'll see. I enjoyed this...Thank you for your hard work!
ArcaneMaverick chapter 9 . 4/22/2013
Goddamn your good at description. You word choices are unique and captivating. Well, 90% of it. The extra flames bit of soaring through the setting sky's tapestry was a bit much. Because, you know, there were no real flames, so it was just overdramatic.

I am very impressed by Miranda's touching devotion to Dart. The part where she would burn down the sky for him reminds me of some things from joe6991's epic Harry Potter Hero Trilogy.

This was a pretty fun action scene. I like Miranda's way of using magic too. It reminds me distinctly of the game because it had all those very pretty light rays and other effects in the beautiful background renders.

Wow, you have some truly great moments here in this chapter. Probably the best one!

I am surprised that the Divine Dragoon didn't try to use it's magic attacks.

Okay, that part where she now loses her mind a bit and is underwater seems like a cop out because you talk oddly about vague conflicts of the past.

Beautiful descriptons of Dart and their mutual past from the game. I wish for more of that.

Ah, love. There it is. The most dangerous and foolish feeling in the world. This game did it right with it's themes. When I read that line from Miranda about her love for him, the game's theme song instantly started playing in my head.

Not sure I understand the title for this fic, but I did go "OOoooooh there it is, she said the title, teehee."

I was surprised that Dart didn't try to go to Ulara after Aglis.

I don't quite understand how she saved him. Was it not her and only because there wasn't anything left to destroy from the old age?
Still, the ending her makes me happy.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 8 . 4/22/2013
Meru seems to be going downhill, like a kid experiencing the freedom of college with no restraint. You are developing her fliration with Dart from the game into something more, but I don't mind. It's interesting and I sometimes entertained the idea of that pairing.

I like the bit of lore on transformation.

Meru has become a little one-dimentional and obsessed. But it's interesting. And remaking Guaraha is more than a little disgusting. But I did actually agree with her that Dart needed someone more adventureous as a life partner. What a twist it would be if it was the Moon Child's thrall effect that kept the D.D at bay in him.

Miranda's been throwing a lot of things lately! lol a teacup, a book, a wineglass.

The last third of this was boring to me until the relevation of the innocent man. Unbelievably quick on the uptake that Commander.

Interesting and unexpected that Miranda was the churche's vandal. Although I don't get why she threw the sword at the window.

It's hard to read this sometimes because Miranda is such a mental mess and it translates to the reader as we try to understand her pov.

Healing Luanna, now that is something! Wow, unexpected. Interesting end too, now that Miranda has found something to hold on to, but she never really lost it in the first place. She just allowed herself to love and be loved finally.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 7 . 4/22/2013
I lol'd at Miranda snapping her fingers in Dart's face.

I have no idea what you are getting at with the birds and eyes and Miranda laughing. Nor how Dart allowed himself to wander and lose the Runners. What was with the deal with that snake? Was it significant?

Wincesca. That's interesting. Better than Wink.

I like that Dart still supports Miranda. I like the subtle stuff that indicates she likes him, like her burning ears.

Fuck Wink and her stupid little girl attachment to a man who paid her nearly zero attention, who used her, and didn't care.

Dart's lucky to have made so many friends who are royalty or basically royalty. Oh man, Miranda is possessivvvveeee :) She's definitely a lot like Rose with that Dragoon pride as justification for things.

Setie is weird. I don't get why she mimics in a sort of scathing way.

I think I see now just how much the Dragoon in Miranda has changed her.

Ha, I'd love to hear what Setie is saying to Dart. If asked, I would have guessed Luanna would try to see him.

That was quite a beautiful moment between the Queen and Miranda.

Miranda's clumsiness when it comes to intimate things is funny.

What? Did she claw at him until he bled?
Well, that moment was very short.

Quite the final line!
ArcaneMaverick chapter 6 . 4/22/2013
The Dart-Miranda relationship here is well done! I enjoy reading it so much. I'm actually happy for Miranda.

It's good that you build up Dart's other issue as a Dragoon. If that wasn't a factor he would eventually be able to get over Shana's death.

That Lavitz moment was so touching last chapter even if I didn't understand the wind thing gusting around whipping open doors and such. I wish Dart could have met Lavitz. Oh. Nevermind. Well, I wish they could have conversed.

I figured Dart may have learned a little hand to hand when traveling with Haschel. But it doesn't matter for this story.

Oh, I guess she had a soul then. You are a trickster.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 5 . 4/22/2013
It is good to hear him laugh. I'm glad they are finding solace with one another right now, before it gets awful. I felt Rose had that affect on him with one or two of her pseudo jokes in the beginning.

"He makes up for his silence on the first day. " My favorite paragraph thus far. Everything seems, normal for once.

It seems she did not learn much from her challenge in Aglis or on the Moon that Never Sets. She was supposed to learn how to forgive and it seems she has not. That's why this fic isn't quite representative if it to actually be canon. Shana had her own soul, only the God's and Melbu's were finally destroyed. And the characters should have listened and learned from their Aglis and Moon trials.

Why on Earth would Albert name his child Shirley? Did he even know her in the game? Barely. I would have expected Rose or a boy named Lavitz.

Found an inconsistency with Lavitz's positioning, but I'm too lazy to write it and I doubt you'll check or respond anyway.

Lavitz's explanation for Dragoons lingering is impossible because that second soul is with Albert and not him. Well, who knows. The game never elaborated on the nature of the stones and possible merging and it certainly never touched on the madness or influence after Rose's two lines about it on the Queen Fury.

Shana's condition makes a fair amount of sense. Exceptionally moribd, but it doesn't account for her soul. Her own soul didn't merge with the GoD, but the Virage Embryo soul. Eh, whatever, soul stuff is always convoluted.

Breath comes from the soul? Meh.

Some truly lovely writing here, both in morbidity and the mutual sort of respect Miranda and Shana shared for their special things and each other.

I do see this fic as something separate from an LoD epilogue, but I enjoy it all the same. Depressing sad things make one explore some interesting places even in themselves.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 4 . 4/22/2013
My favorite part about your writing is your style of description from Miranda's pov. It's engaging.

I like how tough and capable she is. Most Dragoons got very little time to have any substantial character development, but Miranda always struck me as an angrier Rose.

YES! Great observation! I always wondered if people were drawn to Shana because of her Moon Childness. I had hypothesized that maybe his feelings finally turned to love because her powers were triggering and he was becoming a thrall. That would have been quite the twist eh? I would have almost liked to see the story turn out differently because of that. I'm kind of a Dart/Rose fan myself and I choose to ignore what's attached to that.

I wondered what identifies the Moon Child. There was that orb thing in the beginning that we never see again. How did Rose screw up? Wouldn't she have checked in some magical way? Baffling.

Lavitz is the best and I love what you did with him here. It was awesome.

Can't wait to see where this leads. I want to see Miranda a bit happy with Dart.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 3 . 4/22/2013
So she wasn't breathing, but she is now in the morning?

Um, wow. That was sudden to all but declare Miranda's love for Dart through Setie.

Never thought that Meru hated Shana. Thought she liked her enough like everyone else.

Miranda is very handy. I like learning about her. Your expansions are logical.

Yeah, that's a little sad they didn't all stay close, but it makes sense. Just a sad sense.

Heh, good so Dart has a little flame left when it comes to fate. Yeah, I hate dense protagonists. I'm so sick of cliches. I want a main character in a game who faces real problems with a brain and real emotions.

Dart's portrayal is fair enough. I've begun to just accept this little extra universe you've made. I guess I consider this yours rather than canon.

Oooh, quite dramatic and juicy with those last lines.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 2 . 4/22/2013
I very much like your powers of description. I think this is the only decent Miranda fic on any site. LoD is sadly such a small community in fanfiction.

"I don't heal because I'm nice. All I can do is turn all that cold white light onto all the badness and hurt in a person, and burn it away because I am so furious with it and with myself, for all the badness in me that's never been cleaned away. But I don't know what I can do for Shana, and this poor idiot who loves her won't tell me." You have some really great lines; they're well scripted and dripping with correctly examined personality.

Ah, finally, some subtle hints at foreshadowing. Most people bludgeon them on our heads with vibrant hammer. Nice work there with Miranda's thoughts about Dart's wedding.

Was Miranda's inquiry into their sex life really necessary? Ha, awkward sex certainly adds some tension and angst.

This reminds me distinctly of Raindog Brides' Gather our Bones, where it is essentially Meru in Miranda's place. And the way you do the 1st person pov, reminds me of Queen of the Faeries1 Rose fics.

I disagree, it should have been a bigger effort and plot point to have Dart's opinion of Shana change from baby sister to wife in the game. Especially since you contradict yourself by saying Dart's opinions were black and white. If they were, then it would be impossible or a lot more in depth to change his perception of Shana.

That was an exceptionally vivid piece about what happened to Shana. Bravo.

What? The Wingly magic is greater than Dragoon magic? False. Definitively false. 7 Dragoons and Dragons fought against at least half of the entire Wingly race. At this point, with magic fading from Endiness, they are weak. No doubt that Miranda's Dragoon magic would still be stronger.

Fantastic descriptions and pacing.

Yes, I was surprised that they didn't try to heal her immediately. A little weird, that; but I get it.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
Never liked Wink much. She was a dues ex machinae so Dart wouldn't kill Lloyd. What a foolish girl for thinking she knew so much about Lloyd. He was whimsical, nothing more.

Why is it that all women characters have the long legs unless they're children. Rose and Shana get that description all the time too.

Well, I'm not a fan of the opening. Aside from Miranda treating her sisters poorly (I believe she would care even if her greatest love was getting old), her personality seems accurate. Or rather, she hardly had a personality in the game so anything could be a logical stretch. Although you are changing how she views being a Sacred Sister.

Is it really 18 humans who have become Dragoons? Zieg, Belzac, Shirley, Damia I guess, Kanzas, Rose, Syuveil, Dart, Shana, Lavitz, Greham, Doel, Albert, Haschel, and the rest were of a different race. Who am I missing then unless you're wrong?

I never got the impression that Miranda would consider being a Dragoon a higher honor than a Sacred Sister. She viewed it more as a tool to protect what she wanted. Sure she acknowledged it, but still.

Ah, so something is apparently wrong with her. Maybe I spoke too soon. Okay, the ending was cool.
the real Marik Ishtar chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
i read this entire story and i really like it...wish dart had lived though
S.Zix chapter 10 . 6/18/2011
The greatest story-telling potential in Legend of Dragoon isn't tapped in the game, but you've drug it out here for all to see. I think it could have progressed a little faster, as much of the first five chapters seemed like recap and Miranda's internal self-lashing. It could have stood to be abridged. I don't, however, regret staying with you the whole way, as the last five chapters are truly masterful.

Miranda's hard, unlike Shirley and Shana. She would have made a better Black Monster or Dark Dragoon, but I think you show how the spirit of the White Dragon off-sets this side to her and makes her capable of kindness and sacrifice she didn't think she had. Though we're left wondering-is it really the white dragon, or has Miranda been far too hard on herself?

Meanwhile, you make great use of the bridges between plains. Mayfil, in particular. The paradox of Shana and the God of Destruction is resolved. I'm not sure I follow Miranda's "miracle," or how it could possible occur with the setup you have, but that's what makes it a miracle-just like the fact that Miranda hasn't quite given up yet is a miracle.

You also manage to weave in parts of Miranda's world, which many writers overlook. Her relationship with her Sacred Sisters is addressed, and I like the picture you painted: strained to the point of breaking, but tolerant at its roots.

I would not have chosen your characterization of Dart, but I don't think it's wrong. You made him extremely slow and dense (likely-and I think you even point it out in one instance-because of his blindness to obvious plot twists in the game), and it's valid, even if I don't see him that way. Miranda, on the other hand, really rings true for me, as I've already stated.

I felt lit up and burned out alongside Miranda at the end. "But I wanted to save him!" "You did." "Fuck you." Pretty much. The emptiness of that line "He didn't last the day" is extremely powerful.

In short, this is very well done. It made me want to revisit this game and this fandom as I haven't in a long time.
RoonRune chapter 10 . 6/16/2011
Unbelievable. It's unbelievable how wonderful the characters are. It's simply amazing. And such bitter-sweetness. It's so REAL, I can almost touch it. That is truly epic; to be able to make a fantasy feel so real. I don't know how you do it, but I bow to you.

Wonderful plot, even if it started as a crack pairing. I honestly never saw it as such, but merely an impossibility that you somehow made perfectly possible. The events, and the closure... Simply dynamic and one of the most awe-inspiring creations I've ever read. Thank you for the effort that proudly showed in every word.
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