Reviews for Build Me Up, Break Me Down
JaToya chapter 2 . 6/13/2015
I've read this a number of times. Really thought I'd reviewed it already. Anyway. I enjoy this story each time I read it. It's well written, it's complete, it has Puckleberry.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2012
This story is very good :)
MistressDrusilla1860 chapter 2 . 8/2/2011
lovely story of growth an friendship...

char chapter 2 . 7/24/2011
this is great! your a wonderful writer, im a fuinn fan and i quite like puckleberry too.i love your story
trulysleepdeprived chapter 2 . 4/30/2011
This is just utter perfection. Rachel/Quinn friendship? Check. Puck/Rachel? Check. Finn/Quinn? Check. I absolutely love how you point out how the ideas of the opposing couples (F/R, Q/P) won't work. It is weird to see the group's relationship, but hey, it works out alright in the end! This was nice to read and I definitely aww'd on a lot of parts. Hey, maybe you should write for the show instead! I'm not gonna complain with that idea haha.

Anyways, thanks for writing this, it was impeccable in everyway :)
Lov2-Travel chapter 2 . 4/29/2011
I loved this story:)) I know I've said it before...but you REALLY DO know how to write Puckleberry perfectly! I even liked how you wrote Quinn:))

Thanks for such a great read...priceless:))

Jacal Ste. Worme chapter 2 . 11/6/2010
Aww, that's just so sweet. Good job. ;)
newyorkcitydreaming chapter 2 . 11/4/2010
this was so cute i loved it!:)
tipsyapple chapter 2 . 7/12/2010
Loved this! A break from the sad fic roll I was on it also nice :)
Anon chapter 2 . 7/11/2010
If only this is how the show actually went... I love it.
Marauderette96 chapter 2 . 5/31/2010
I loved it, well done. This was brilliantly well written and was very sweet. Well done :P
twinkiecat chapter 2 . 5/9/2010
This was a perfect two shot. You covered a decent length of time but it didn't feel rushed. Their little family may be dysfunctional but it is pretty perfect and I really wish the show would go something similar to this route. Because I love all four characters, just not in the combination the producers seem to want. I hope you'll consider a sequel of sorts to this, perhaps 10 years in the future to see how a more grown up version of Violet deals with her multiple parents who all love her in their own strange way. But this "as is" was wonderful, thanks for writing it.
CarmillaD chapter 2 . 4/18/2010
Is really nice to see them getting along so well, and the way you work with the two couples is great. The romance and friendship in the plot is really touching, good job!
Kryptocow chapter 2 . 4/2/2010
"Yes. Do you think you could help us put it together? Rachel says the baby can't sleep in a drawer."

XD I laughed so hard.

Aww, I love the idea of their little dysfunctional family unit. 3
Kryptocow chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Love how Rachel's quiet when her dads are there to fill the void. And they left chocolates on Quinn's pillow, how cute!

Lines I especially liked:

"Don't say it," she warns Puck.

He opens his mouth to say it, but the fierce look in her eyes makes him reconsider.

Heheh. XD I like how he was about to forage ahead with it anyway.

For a second, Puck thinks she's going to take it off right there and he's so alarmed, he thinks he'd even try to stop her if she did.

XD; I was worried she was about to for a second there too.

"You went out with Puck?" she gasps in surprise and her voice pitches higher than she intends it to.

"You ate my chocolates."

The chocolate grudge made me laugh. XD Hey, chocolate is serious business!
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