Reviews for Booze Is Leah's bestfriend
sampam69 chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
I agree with your mini rant, can't stand Bella or Nessie, I like Ed-boy with Leah though
1HOPE2LOVE3PEACE4WEALLNEEDIT chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
I think ive fallen in love... With you and your writing. Its abso-fucking-lutly amazing. Ive read like... How many... Uh 8 i think. Really good
CaPtain SpOcKettE chapter 1 . 1/26/2012
"I may eventually do a sequel or a longer Blackwater" yes pleeeeaaaase! I know you're not really a Jacob or Blackwater fan but you HAVE to write at least one full(long) story about these ae an awesome writer I'm sure you can make it work :)

Pretty please *puppy dog eyes*
o0FLAM3S0o chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
LOL leah's innermonologue cracked me up
shadowcatbrat918 chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
Really interesting and funny! Awesome! :)
Iloveyoutoooo chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Hip hip horray, Leah all the way! (: heehee I rhymed!
MyAnthem chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
*cheers three times*Totally should have happened that way! I love this one-shot!
Only One True God - Jesus chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Hey great one shot!

I love the chemistry between Leah and Jacob!

However, I think you gave too much details about the cullens.

Great anyway!
maying38 chapter 1 . 4/20/2010
For some strange reason I just read this story :D So my reaction to your request at the end of your story might be delayed. But I will raise your 3 cheers for Leah to 10 :D You are correct, Bella should have died. She is a pathetic and idiotic character.
King0fn0obz chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
Perfekt Rain chapter 1 . 3/29/2010
Don't worry you're not alone in hating Bella and her stupid vampire child and liking Leah. I mean, I hated Bella so much especially after Newmoon. Well done!
laurazuleta18 chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
Loved it!

Ur totally right, bella was a bitch, but thanks to god she didnt end up with Jake, I love thim tou much to make him suffer that way!

And ur right, I reflect a lot of myself in my Leah (of my fic, though its a leah-OC one, dint know what i did it, I just had this guy in my head so I created him...)though im not really shy, I do make leah do stuff that i wouldnt do in a gazzillion years lol!
Bunnyboo87 chapter 1 . 3/20/2010
I've got to love your author's ending note. Lol. I agree with you. I did read chemistry between Blackwater - better than lochness and Jacob. I HATE BELLA AND LOCHNESS MONSTER. Bella is a weak girl who needs saving the whole time and Jacob was forced to imprint a child when he couldn't have the real thing he wanted - Bella. That's how I see the twilight series. Not the best books i've read. I only read the first book and threw the second one against the wall and so did the rest. I'm going to donate those books. I only have them because of Blackwater, but I know have Blackwater fanfiction to entertain myself with. lol. Great oneshot!
BeautifulPieces chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
"If anyone is a bitch, your my bitch Black."

Haha I just love this story it made me crack up.

Go Blackwater!
aleatoire726 chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
laughin through the whole thing XD ya i hate how jacob imprinted on nessie too eew.! kinda creeppay,, loved leah with her umbrella LMAO! 3 blackwater pairing!
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