Reviews for Fröliche Weihnachten
BrownFeather chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Hello there!

Oh yeah, that was a good story! The best thing about the Christmas truce(s) I have read so far! (there were several... the [German] wikipedia article made me laugh so much - "according to accounts, there were furthermore at least one joint pig roasting, mutual hair and beard cutting, several football games and the exchange of food and semiluxury food" *sob* Seriously, they could have done that all the time instead of fighting. T_T It IS such a tracis and heart-warming story, like you wrote. (There were several truces in several wars, also in Scandinavia and the US and so on, and even during the 2nd World War...)
Umm, anyway, I wanted to write a review and not chatter about what I read. XD Sorry. (I just thought it might be interesting.)

About the structure of the os: At first, I was a bit confused because the time changes (I expected it to jumo back to the christmas party at the end, somehow '), but it is better that way. Aand also, the lenghth is perfect (I mean, neither too long nor too short9 for the different scenes.
The content: I especially liked the beginning, but actually - I liked all of it.
"Maybe it's just a sign that he's been around too long, but it seems like there's always a bloody war on. (Or a sign that he should stop getting himself involved in them.)" Hah. XD Well, that is slight humour and serious (earnest?) thoughts mixed. I like that a lot. Also, the scene of Alfred trying to make the music work in order to lighten the mood and the reactions of the UK and Russia (and China) France being a little weird grumbling etc. was very vivid to imagine (uh - what I want to express is: it is easy to imagine this scene and add a certain atmosphere to it. There are ffs in which you hardly have any mental cinema). Funny, on the one hand - so sad on the other hand, somehow. (Five guys that don't want to be together dissatisfiedly being together in a - considering the cozyness Christmas usually has - cold room. Aww.)
"England wants to roll his eyes. Everything about this is so very… American. [...] The truth is that America got half of his Christmas traditions from England and that England got half of his from…" That is a very good transition to your main subject (I'm impressed... transitions are my problem sometimes XD).
"Merry Christmas!" America says gleefully, leaning over the table, delighted with the one-person audience he has managed to secure. Haha. XD Yeah, well, not comedy-like but calm humour. *thumbs up*
The weather, muddy, rainy and cold, fits the subject and the setting of a war and people being tired and wanting to live some more so well.
"He wasn't usually so… well, stupid, but he was tired. He didn't want to fight. Not today" This seounds so like England / his character and temper.
"Germany had showed him "how to do the thing properly"" *snort* And this is just Germany (in slight well-meant and oblivious arrogance mode). XD
The cold and exhaustion of them vs the short memory of a warmer Christmas is a nice contrast, by the way.
"There was a football in No Man's Land." Again, that's a good first sentence. You are immediately thrown into the scene and get what's going on.
"He did help to start this war, after all. He and France and Germany." Are you referring to WW 1 or 2? (I'd link this with the Great War, but it sounds like he was thinking about WW2?)
"he'd kind of quit in the early 1600s after spending the best part of the 1500s addicted to it after discovering tobacco" Ahhh, one century of addiction. XD Not bad. You must have a nation-long lasting lung for that.
Oh, and the last sentence, in brackets - Good ending. Considering the effect, I mean. :D
Style: I like your rather cool (not overly-dramatic or romantic or anything) way of describing what they do; this makes the character's, mostly England's, feelings clear to see, and the whole thing easy to read (for me as a not-native speaker at least...)

lunae lecem chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
that last line...ouch
AvilaParva chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
This is one of the best stories i've read about the christmas truce :) Still christmassy, but with enough melancholy to give it thought and meaning :)
I love the history involved, Germans actually invented the first christmas tree (they had candles and no decorations which seems odd cause one goes down and the tree goes up)
Queen Victoria was German herself and it was her first language as well :P How ironic, right?
Great story and again I love the actual history :)
Tweaks chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
So happy yet so sad at the same time... kind of breaks your heart. Thanks for writing this.
TangerineTea chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
I love the halting, emotional quality of the narration. It feels very intimate, like a look into England's very soul. America's Christmas party has got to be just about the most depressing celebration I've ever seen or heard of. The ending especially struck a chord in me-the sheer visceral brutality of it, in such stark contrast to the camaraderie of before, coupled with the knowledge that they would only be revived to kill each other again and again until the end of the war, to paint a heartbreaking picture of war's devastating toll on minds as well as bodies. Gorgeous fic, with wonderfully defined characters.
P. Cottontail chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Ah... I remember watching a bit of a documentary about this years ago on Christmas morning. I remember thinking how crazy it all was, how it all is.
Artemis1000 chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
Christmas Truce Hetalia-style! *squeal* Awesome! I have always loved the story of the Christmas Truce ever since I first heard about it and I really like what you've done with it here. Also, awww for America, trying so hard to get a proper Christmas party going with such a difficult audience!
reconquista chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
absolutely wonderful.

that last line. just... arg it really got me. xD
Eliza Aacher chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Wonderful! This is very well written and I just loved the whole thing. :)
EyesTurnedSkyward1969 chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
This was very sad, but kind of heart warming in another way. Of course, until it was explained, i thought you meant America's version of football, which was odd. Dumb, i know -_-. Anyways, we never learned about the Christmas Truce over here (for obvious reasons) but i wish we had. It's very saddening, an it shows how easily humans emotions' are cast about- friends one minute and literally stabbing each other in the back the next, all because your commander told you too. It's saddening, but a bit laughable in a way (though a rather cruel laugh, i admit.)
samy1250 chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Awww I loved it! Yeah I'm pretty proud of our traditions and so on XD

Kesesekese My parents kinda explained to me how we invented the christmas tree (DUH! XD)

Uhhhm and it's fröhliche Weihnachten, with a "h" but other than that, I loved it:)

Greetings from the country that invented the Tannenbaum,

Samy :****** uH YeAh lUv yA FoR wRiTiNg

kittymimi200 chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
awesome fic! That last line especially got me.
xxXSporkSistaXxx chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
I love this so much! I remember watching a documentary on 'The Christmas Truce' on history channel, and was dying for someone to write a hetalia fic for it! You definitely wrote the event nicely! Thanks for the great story!
Narroch chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
Hetalia really is a fandom that you can research until the point of nigh-obsession, or just bust out all those things you learned in school and actually remembered. This fic was cool because I could pick out all the little pieces that you cleverly wove in there.

The rationing, England's addiction to tobacco in 1500s, Red Santa (that was CocaCola's fault!), and of course, the basis for the fic itself, the Christmas Truce.

I already sent you the song link, that was the first thing that came into my mind when I started reading this. My dad used to play and sing that on guitar around the holidays ever since I was really little. So I was really happy and nostalgic right up to the last line when my face did this - D:

That sucker punch at the end... Ahh... It was good. But so sad. Oh well...

Good fic!
Peridot Tears chapter 1 . 1/3/2010
Ah, humans can't help but be humans -icy smile-

...I was going to write about this event xD A three-part with some other events, though.

But really, it's powerful and saddening how you've ended it - both of them enemies again after a moment of peace. Kicking around a football after the tension and sharing rum. Very, very simple little things, but in reading sounds rather appealing. Nice bit you've written here.

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