Reviews for Another Pair
Thea chapter 4 . 8/11/2012
Aw! That was sooo cute and nice for Mello to do! :D
XxLeopardPrintxX chapter 8 . 9/13/2010
Cute story so far! Needs More MattXVixxy though!

Write more soon!

Vortex-Of-Insanity chapter 7 . 9/11/2010
yay! marshmello has gotten a sorta girlfriends! and so has mattie!... sorry had a LOT of candy... I FEEL LIKE A HYPER LITTLE SQUIRREL! squirrel? WHERE?... *coughs* sorry... anywho, AWESOME story!
xmello's girlx chapter 1 . 6/18/2010
i have been loving this story so far. keep up the great work!
blonde on the inside chapter 6 . 1/17/2010
omg this story is amazing please update soon
xmello's girlx chapter 6 . 1/17/2010
i love this story
New.York.Celt chapter 6 . 1/17/2010
yes!3 great update.
InnocentSorrow3795 chapter 5 . 1/7/2010
AW that was cute...Keep writing more...D
Echo music chapter 5 . 1/6/2010
this is really god i love rose and vixxy!
teB360 chapter 5 . 1/4/2010
lol! that was funny!
RinRinRin chapter 5 . 1/4/2010
VampyViolet chapter 5 . 1/4/2010
MELLO HIT ME! WHAT THE HELL! i never did anything to him:( at least i had a moment with Mattie! Matt and I will go on strike for abuse! * holds up sign that says " no abuse or no mor chocolte!" * TAKE THAT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
AznLee chapter 5 . 1/3/2010
Tickle? Seriously Mello... Tickle! You need to man up a little!
Echo music chapter 4 . 1/2/2010
aw thats so mellos so sweet! but he is a stalker also i mean why would u watch someone in there sleep! hm wat could hapen next?


loves gir
Echo music chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
hm rose and vixxy remind me of my friend sept for the chocolate eating for rose and vixxy with video games hehe rose is the one with video games and vixxy has lolipops...hehe they is really weird me likes the story so far its realy cool!


loves gir
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