Reviews for Smart People Who Do Dumb Things
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2018
Gods this is BEAUTIFUL. The characterizations are so believable.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Oh my god, this story is perfect. It seriously messed with my feelings and I still think it's great.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
#chuckled in pure happiness

I was like "I knew it!" when the Left Mark scene happens!
Because if i guess wrong, i would probably end up frustrated an disappointed.

My favourite! #cheers

From the start till the end was satisfying!

#thumbs up
ilikecrystals chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
I love this story. I've read it multiple times and just now realized I've never told you how wonderful it is. I love the Steven Segal reference and all the emotions that stemmed from a barely seen action movie. I love how you do these boys!
CutieSOS chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
this was really good
tpenrose chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Oh my god... I swear, your stories always make me cry! The angst in this one- Wow! Loved the ending. Loved the chronicling of all the important "firsts." I love how Dean is almost always so unwilling to admit that he wants his baby brother just as much as Sam wants him. It makes me fangirl so hard! Eee! XD You've made this one of my favorite slash couples - up there with Spirk and Johnlock.
Sammyslove chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Great story love how you keep Sam and dean true. Loved the bus stop and the ending made me want more!
AccountKillerrr chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
There are no words.

This isn't a hyperbole, this isn't an exaggeration; there are literally no words to express how beautifully you write and how much of an amazing writer you are.

I know it's kinda creepy to go on a reviewing spree and review all your stories in one go, but I can't help myself.

Your stories are... are... are like chocolate! They are dark and bitter but so rich and intricately flavoured and I LOVE them.

This is crazy! Nobody can write so beautifully. You should be breaking some sort of universal law.

I read your stories whenever I feel depressed and though many of your stories are tragic, it lifts my spirits up. You reassure my faith in art and life; and trust me, it isn't that easy, I'm a very cynical and pessimistic person. But you write these wonderfully detailed emotional stories and I'm left breathless.

I'm in awe. I'm your fan. Whatever you do, please *please* keep writing.

What I loved about *this* story of yours is how you captured Dean's memories. Memories are curious things, they tend to acquire a rosey tint and one remembers inconsequential details about emotional events. Like Dean remembering that it was a Wednesday night when Sam told him that he was leaving, but never knowing why he remembered that particular detail.

I also liked how you showed the progress of a relationship through a series of firsts...

My favourite lines:

Trucks went bombing past like low-flying meteorites.


Dean stared at his profile, washed and ageless in the shimmery light, wondering how someone who looked so perfect on the outside could be so screwed up underneath.


The metaphors you use break my heart. I don't know how you can write about love and conflict and agony with such scorching intensity, like you have lived a thousand lifetimes. You are a miracle worker.

This is beautiful.

This is art.
Rae Montgomery chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
Amazing! You are without a doubt my favorite author for "wincest". You manage to keep them totally in character, but at the same time add in this new element without making them loses the essence of who they are. I loved that you wrote about Sam knowing how he felt as fare back as fourteen, and that he kept trying through the years, and that Dean was always around to let him. My favorite part was when Dean knew it was forever for him because Sam knew, thats just so like them. :)
LostCause789 chapter 1 . 7/9/2010
Amazing yet again. You write them so beautifully. Your writing really is wonderful. I loved Dean finally giving in to what he wants. Loved this whole thing!
AB chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
This love. So beautifully written.
SayingYourNames chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Your stories always blow me away - I will be back tomorrow with a proper review but let me just say; I'm SO glad I stayed up 'till 4 reading this story 3
framedhim chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
They shape and twist and rebel and conform and you write it all so beautifully. Thank you.
LunaNigra chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
That was hautingly beautiful...

I love how they are so Sam and Dean, SamnDean...

Say What chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Aww, that was just amazing and sweet. It was... wow. I must say that I loved it! The transitions were perfect... Everything was. Thank you so much for writing and posting this!
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