Reviews for The First of Many Christmases
Maruru-tan chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
AHHHHHH. THIS IS SO ADORABLE. Gary is so relatable here, bad hair is every day of my life. Also the personal punching bag part made me laugh so hard. Oh Ash, what a kidder. You had me screaming bloody murder and squealing aww at the same time through this entire fic. For that, you get a medal.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
Love it.
MyPalletshippingLove chapter 1 . 2/7/2017
I can't find the right words to say how much I loved this story... how much I needed to read this story tonight.
First of all, I loved the narrator, your Gary has so much personality, so much sassiness, and so much style! And Ash seems to be the only person in the world that breaks all Gary's standards.
I personally loved how you made their childhood bond so strong, because I personally believe they were always best friends when they were children (something the anime hasn't quite shown yet) and the thing about Gary's parents is something I believe too.
You were so smart writing this fanfic with all the Pokémon references.
And I personally love me some top!Ash hahaha well, I just hope Ash didn't take revenge for all the hurt Gary gave him in the past to make Gary get that hurt if you know what I mean.
Yashal chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
This was so good! I love how Gare-bear overdramatizes the struggle that is a bad hair day (except I totally get where he’s coming from). I love how he judges everybody else’s outfits once he does make his way downstairs and his attitude towards the holiday merriment in general xD.

Moving on, THAT SNOWMAN THEY BUILT! So. Flippin. Cute. Maybe just because it screams “Palletshipping” but it’s perfect. Hehehehahahaa. And then Delia’s reaction to….oh goodness xD. And then….everything that happened between Ash and Gary. So perfect. I can’t say anything more but yeah. Loved this! I really like your style of writing. There’s great use of imagery and plenty of amusing witticisms. Thank you!
Chris Emrys chapter 1 . 12/11/2016
Ohhhh I love how you write Shigeru, that whole scene with his hairs was just so amusing I'm still snorting thinking about it. I also love that Shigeru's grandpa and Satoshi's mom knew what Shigeru had in mind, and how we could guess Shigeru wanted to speak feelings, but there was the mystery of the gift, and I love how Satoshi is both what you expect of him but obviously a bit more mature, especially when he catches on why Shigeru acted as he did.

The one thing I really love is that, often, the reason people uses about Shigeru growing distant is Sato/Shige fic are confused feelings. I do like this, I mean most of the time that's what I headcanoned for my Shigeru, but I love so much it was about Satoshi making him feel happy again, and then he grew to fear he would lose him. This would also fit a platonic relationship and that's why I adore it!

You make me wonder, though, about how Satoshi feels and when he guessed exactly what Shigeru is speaking about. But I love that you stop the fic where you do, because it leaves it very open, and maybe that's best it does stay this way. Good job with this!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
plz plz plz write more
Orithyea chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
I can't stop laughing at their conversation. Satoshi is just so dense! Thank you for a lovely read.
Lil' Lol chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
YES! Write a second chapter... The way you construct these phrases make me shiver... In a good way ofcourse... It was one of the BEST I've read so far.
Dichromatic chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
Awesome story! I enjoyed the feelings it brought while I read it. I really like how you wrote the story. A sequel will be excellent! Please continue writing more amazing stories.
Stalk chapter 1 . 6/15/2012
I would write another chapter! Gary's point of view is funny and interesting, which makes for a very good story. The only thing I would change would be adding less similies, which makes them loose their effect. Hope that helped!
RainsShadows chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
Kawaii! I want to read the next chapter!
something40423 chapter 1 . 12/27/2011
Oh gosh I have a butterfly stomach ache after reading this! Great work!
JoeBananas chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
AHHHHHHH! I loved that ending! That was awesome. Just when I thought all hope was lost for Shigeru... I felt so bad for him. But then BAM OUT OF THE BLUE COMES SATOSHI WITH THE KISS. I thought this was awesome. Great job. I really wish you would keep writing... Either with this story or just a new one. Great job.
SilverMikazuki chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
This is great! Tho using Satoshi and Shigeru instead of Ash and Gary kinda annoys me haha I can definitely look over that for something as beautifully written as this! Please continue, well that is if you haven't already D
Choko Tatsu chapter 1 . 6/17/2010

You have superb use of vocabulary, and your ability to set a certain emotion in the reader is phenominal.

Admitably, i had to look up the original pokemon names on google to see the english translations, but it added a sense that you knew what you were doing.

I feel like you really left the ending with a cliffhanger, however, and would really appreciate a second chapter. :)

You've established this developement very well. My only advice to you is to work on the ending a little more. There's a little bit of a lack of consistancy regarding the beginning section with your vocabularily profound diction and the ending scene that seemed more rushed than anything.

All things aside, i deeply enjoyed reading this.

As i see you've only one published story, i encourage you to continue to write and publish your works. You have imense talent which is hard to find on this site.

Best of luck to you. Marvelous work.

Choko Tatsu
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