Reviews for Catching Snow
PoptartxPrincess chapter 9 . 7/5/2014
Hey i just met you,
and this is crazy,
but we're roommates, yeah
so fuck me maybe.
celaenarose chapter 7 . 8/30/2013
I like it. :)
Kai Chen chapter 20 . 9/20/2012
i'm just like 'oh, holy shit' when draco arrived
Itsonlyme chapter 9 . 10/4/2011
The blond suckled one of Harry's dusty nipples.

It ruined the moment for me because all I could imagine was cobwebs on Harry's nipple and a little spider hanging off it with Draco's face looking like o.O

This story needs reviewing by a beta reader. It is a shame because this story has a lot of potential, but the grammar and spelling is letting it down a lot for me.

Myself being British i notice a lot of Americanised words and it is quite annoying for a Brit to read. A LOT of people make this mistake so don't worry.

Keep going with the writing, these things come with time, you seem to have a good imagination and it takes a lot to write a fiction.

Hope i don't sound too harsh and that you take it as constructive criticism. Keep it up!
KrystalEve chapter 20 . 5/28/2011
noooooo nonononono thas bad thas very very bad! TToTT
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 7 . 5/5/2011
I really don't like this Harry. no wonder Draco calls him kid, Harry act like a kid. I mean seriously. And if Harry and Ron do hook up I will be so mad. I don't read Harry/Ron fan fiction. But I am going to keep reading cause despite Harry's childness I am enjoying this story.
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 4 . 5/5/2011
This story is good so far. Ron seems like he is jealous and a jerk. And boy you have some grammar mistakes. You should really re-read your work before posting cause there are quite a few mistakes.
TRIC4R chapter 20 . 2/14/2011
like it..interesting
Guest chapter 6 . 1/10/2011
Parts of it vaguely remind me of Fruits Basket... But I like this :)
Nihtingale chapter 7 . 1/10/2011
much more used to Malfoy being the Cute one...
Jellybean-chan chapter 20 . 11/20/2010
LOVE IT! I'M A MAJOR FAN OF YOURS! P.S You have minor grammatical errors and that is our only flaw! I have read it all and heading towards Chasing Rain! super excited..sorry. :D
shurashur09 chapter 3 . 9/9/2010
tatu rocks!
Belle A Lestrange chapter 20 . 8/29/2010
belle A Lestrange chapter 16 . 8/29/2010
uh oh dont lose urself harry
belle A Lestrange chapter 15 . 8/29/2010
no not the states!
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