Reviews for My Kitsune
KURAMAX chapter 28 . 6/11/2018
Sasuke as an uke? Seriously...god, why? _

Honest! This story will be more awesome & entertaining if this is a sasunaru fanfic. Or... Should I just call it sasunarusasu? IDK... I skipped the smutt since I don't feel like it(cuz it doesn't suit them especially sasuke)

It's not that I hate narusasu. My feelings towards narusasu is same as naruhina (& sasusaku, but barely) ; It feels neutral but doesn't feels right at the same time. Sasuke is older & will ALWAYS be more taller than naruto... It suits him though since he's like naruto's older brother thanks to Indra & ashura. With naruto as sasuke's seme... Doesn't it feels awkward? Well,i am :/

Well but this is ur story anyways. It means I can't do anything but read & enjoy whatever it is. The 3rd paragraph was about my POV when i'm trying to use my logic to comparing seme sasuke with the uke 1.
Moon Dog 05 chapter 28 . 5/9/2014
Guest chapter 16 . 1/15/2014
I was loveing the story and i like the loss of memory idea but the name change really pissed me off im going to keep reading i hope i enjoy the rest of this story.
Guest chapter 27 . 7/19/2012
Guest chapter 13 . 7/19/2012
did u read living a lie and got inspired to write this
takuya chapter 28 . 12/12/2010
yay that was a very super story i love it
Fanruby chapter 28 . 9/14/2010
Hope many answer that damn pole, I don't have a fanfiction account, therefore my vote does not count. That's not fair. Please continue the fic, I'm beging here.
Fanruby chapter 28 . 9/14/2010
sorry, didn't review before. I just couldn't stop reading until I read it all. Hope don't leave it here.
TechnoAngelprincess chapter 28 . 8/18/2010
wow this is the frist story i know that have naruto the seme wow
TechnoAngelprincess chapter 28 . 8/17/2010
wow the last chappter was fun i mean this is the frist fic that i had read when naruto is not the uke great job
Alrye chapter 28 . 8/15/2010
*twitches* Really? *walks into the room and grabs Sasuke and throws him off* Listen here, mister. You will write that squel and you will fix this horrible mistake of Sasuke being uke or so help me god I will rape ou until you are straight!

Sasuke: Yea... wait... WHAT! Rye-sen did you sleep?

Not in two weeks... *yawns and passes out on the bed hugging Ables leg*

Sasuke: ... Wow...
AspergianStoryteller chapter 28 . 8/15/2010
I think Naru's high voice is adorable! The other guys sound too deep for their age, at least in pre-timeskip. I haven't seen Shippuden yet, but I'm hoping they all still have decent voices.
Ashleigh131 chapter 28 . 8/15/2010
YAY! Sequel!

I can't wait!

the last chapter was pretty cool!

Yay! Naruto claimed him as his mate!

can't wait to read the sequel!

KappuuChuu chapter 28 . 8/15/2010
okay yay you're making a sequel but PLEASE make naruto the uke xD but anyway i went to your profile and i answered the poll hmmm so i want the chapter 2 :P
Danielle chapter 27 . 8/14/2010
back again! another wonderful chapter by Able! let's give him a hand!

*Azuna, Terra, Maro, Sprite, Annae, Aleon, Macy, and about fifty other random voices in my head clapping*

keep writing for the benefit of the world.
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