Reviews for Square One
SplendentGoddess chapter 1 . 9/13/2014
LOL, yes, it's true that it's just bad fanon that she can't go through the well without a shard. She did so in the manga on numerous occasions. But suspending disbelief and make-believing that she does indeed require a shard...oh the look on her face! LOL!
J Luc Pitard chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
Love the idea of "Oops?" and they're off again. Nicely written.
CassMartin chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
YAY! interesting and funny .- i can't wait to see what happens next
nightfalcon222 chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
LOVED this! Hilarious! :D
magnolia-bunny chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Poor Kagome! She deserves a hug! Leave it to her to be the one to break the jewel twice in a single lifetime.

I quite liked this oneshot. You have an interesting writing style, and I could feel Kagome's anxiety and stress over the whole situation. Inuyasha was so in-character.

Can you imagine if that had happened in the actual series though, after all of that waiting for Naraku to just die, for them to have to restart. It's like the song that never ends- it could go on forever! 0.o :D That would be both wonderful and frustrating at the same time.

I loved the ending of this fic. It was kind of unexpected, but really obvious at the same time. I could just feel the pit of dread sink into her stomach.

Nice oneshot!
InuyashaFanGirl555 chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
lol this was good. And the dialogue was great! It sounded like things Kagome and Inuyasha would say! good job
LiliesOnPluto chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
AAH! This is really great! Please keep writing!
God chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
Rickashay chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
Haha, that was funny. I loved it.
Tamakia'gss chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
Love it! You have a great writing style. _