Reviews for It's a Christmas Special, Chris Jericho
SlytherinQueen020 chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
That was so sweet.
Joel182 chapter 1 . 2/17/2010
Nice :D
ilzehs chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
That was beautifully written with a Christmas theme & atmosphere. Matt/Chris is a hot pairing. I usually find myself curious for that couple. Your writing never dissappoints me. There was no way the present Chris gave to Matt wouldnt have earned him forgiveness. Matt played with it very well too.

Anyways, this was very well written. Specially the sex scene was extemely hot.
Thorsmaven chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
Poor Matt, I know how he feels waiting for someone only to be disappointed! Good for Chris though, and trying to make it up to him. Very sweet!
takers dark lover chapter 1 . 12/17/2009
AW this was cute. Chris sure does know how to kiss someones ass when he needs to.
Hardly Here chapter 1 . 12/14/2009
Hey hey! I can't believe I skipped over this cos it had Chris Jericho in the title. Boy was that a mistake. Wow.

This was so perfectly awesome!
HardyxGirlx89 chapter 1 . 12/12/2009
*is jealous* Matt just got like...THE best christmas gift in the world! I loved the retarded donkey thing, it seriously made me laugh - and Chris in a thong and a bow XD Fantastic story!
DrakarysxUnbroken chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
OMG...Oh, my, my...I don't even...Words can't...damn I am a freaking Matticho whore now! Bwahahahaha Thanks DK and WF4. You guys and that pairing. Its creeping in and out of my head about as bad as Bret - and I wish he'd leave.

Girl, you know you know how to work these prompts. This was the best! Just what I needed after attempting a Jeff Hardy/Edge fic. Ha Ha I tried.

Picturing Chris wrapped in anything...or nothing at all is just too good of an image to pass up. GREAT job! I loved this!

Dark Kaneanite chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
Aw w w w. There for a moment I wanted to smack Chris, but he more than made up for it. And I can't even fathom how Matt felt when Chris didn't show up and then to wake up thinking that he never made it home. I had tears for that.

Loved it hun!
wrestlefan4 chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
Aw...*hugs* Thank you :D

I loved it. Of course Chris would get wrapped up in work and be dense and not understand lol. Matt went to all that trouble, and he missed it, he's so sweet. Then Chris apologizes with sex lmao. That's a man for ya. Great job Seraph and thanks so much it was great.

Love to you and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
Ambrosealley88 chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
Chris may be an idiot, but he sure knows how to make up for it. Great job!
NeroAnne chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
CHarlie Brown, XD! LOL!


AWE! Chrissy is gonna be late!

XD! Sound like a retarded donkey! Matt is more important!

Awe, poor Matteh!

Matteh better get something good!

...X-mas eve is mah birthday, Chris! Nice to know you care! XD! HEHE.

*Reads on*

AWE! Good! Make Chris feel bad! Matt made sad!


I love decorations! XD! Matt MUST be good at it!

AWE! Eating by himself...not good!

YES! Make it up to him, Blondie!

Breakfast in bed! AWE!

*Reads on*

...AHAHAHAHAH! XD! There's a way to apologize! XP!

XD! "I'm an idiot." XD! YOSH!

PLAY WITH IT! is hottness...

TheMizMagnet chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
That was amazing! Great job, Seraph. I did so love it, and felt bad for Matt, but it all worked out in the end. Excellent job!

.: TMM :.
El Tejano chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
Esha Napoleon chapter 1 . 12/11/2009