Reviews for Need You Now
xThisIsTheEndx chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
Great Story. One of the best you wrote. Well thats my opinion.
TragicallyDepressed chapter 30 . 10/22/2010
Good but not great. First impressions were thirty chapters, you gotta be kidding me but then you did alright, keep the story interesting throughout, I commend you on your pacing. You have a unique sense of creating conflict. Plausibility however goes out the window, it's unbelieveable that Randy would talk down to Michelle when he's the one cheating and yet she's the one that should apologize?

No effing way!

Other than that, good job. Except for the airport, so cliche!
RKOsgirl92 chapter 30 . 6/14/2010
awesome story!

I liked it!
RKOsgirl92 chapter 11 . 6/13/2010
awesome story!

I love Bon Jovi! lol
xRatedRPunkx chapter 30 . 4/14/2010
Ahh! I loved this story. It's really been one of the best stories I've read on here. I wish it were longer though! I love it so much. I hope there's going to be another story from you soon involving these two because you've really made me like them together!
BigRedMachineUK chapter 30 . 4/11/2010
Oh wow! This has by far have got to be one of the best stories I've read in a while! One of my stories has Randy and Michelle as a budding couple and I thought it might be weird, but reading this has told me otherwise. Awesome. Making it one of my faves.
Mishelle20 chapter 30 . 4/10/2010
Great fic! I really enjoyed reading this about this couple.
punkabanas chapter 30 . 4/10/2010

xXCandimcCoolXx chapter 30 . 4/10/2010

I loved the ending of this story!:)

Soo cute, how Randy confessed his feelings towards Michelle! lol

Everything seems to be alright after Maria forgave Michelle but its kind of an open end because of Michelle and Mark but well, maybe youll make a sequel or Idk what...

Anyway, I hope that youl use this couple more often!:)

Its the best Michelle/Randy fic Ive read so far!;)

Keep up the great work!:D
54hlrgirl chapter 30 . 4/9/2010
omg i cant believe this story id is over! :(

Such a fantastic end to it though, i love it, there finally together! :) yay lol

Great story i loved ever single bit of it :)

FaberrittanaIsEndgame chapter 30 . 4/9/2010
I love this story you did such a great job on this story hope you write more like this.

Lucy Grayson chapter 30 . 4/9/2010
Yey! LOVED IT! Sad to see it end though! Great job! Can't wait to see what you write in the future :D
xAracnaex chapter 30 . 4/9/2010
i def loved this, and im sad to see it end! but i really enjoyed reading. i mean, i def looked forward to getting new chaps for this ever since i found it, it was one of the first wrestling fics i ever read lol. but anyway, ill have to check out more of your fics D
Renna33 chapter 30 . 4/9/2010
YES! I LOVE how this ended!
dreamin'BIG chapter 29 . 4/6/2010
You better update soon or I'll eat u
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