Reviews for Flowers and Traditions
natzilla chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
this is very sweet with some hilarious moments.. like "Anything louder and he would begin to sound insane. Another unfortunate trait he, as a clone, had adopted. “" XD

Fluffy but I like fluff when it comes to Yazoo ! And I hate to admit it but I wished he was a woman or an hermaphrodite sometimes so he could repopulate the earth with little beauties like himself ! he would make a great mum Im sure. :D And his wish for a normal life and traditions was just sweet :)
Kataru chapter 1 . 1/9/2010
loving it! I'm sure they can come up with something and form a family... in their own way.
Ziggy Pasta chapter 1 . 12/11/2009
You know...that whole scene where Yazoo and Reno were kissing, I was actually thinking "This is hot!". I actually thought this strange shipping was hot! Good job! You've accomplished the unthinkable. You know I love you. Heehee.

This was a cute story, and I loved the interaction between Reno and Yazoo. The whole angsty part about how they would make for strange parents was great. I kept on thinking "No Reno, it's okay if you come home covered in blood. Just lie to the kid and say it's Kool-Aid! D8"

Poor Yazoo. -_- Traditions are what symbolize stability and consistency - which are both found in stereotypical families. Yazoo longs for that, given his past. Reno just needs to make him realize that traditions can vary from family to family, and they start small. Like...start with dessert each night. *wink*

Anyway, I've rambled. Good job my love. :'3
govener fink chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
This was... Amazing. It was so heartfelt and cutely adorable! And hey, no reveiws?

Anyways, This made me all warm and fuzzy inside! So Thanx for that! Keep it up!


govener fink
