Reviews for Pain
NarwhalWarlord chapter 1 . 3/20/2014
Wasn't that fascinating? Good show at a failed romantic subplot. That's rather rare, and as such special.

Excellent work.
SpecH82T chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Well written!
I don't have much over for Liara though... Well Asari in general though. Something with the ide of mind melding just makes me shudder.
Well anyway, its a good one-shot :)
To bad Ash didn't get Shepard:(
Fayneir chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
I think a sequel would be a good idea...maybe Liara discovers the feelings Ashley has for Shepard...Anyway, brilliant.
TheMoshaesCacti chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
Just found the awesome little piece and I have to say it is pretty damn good, so I know it was written quite some time ago, but yeah you should totally write a sequel it is great and not to disimilar from Elizibeth Carters; Samantha, like you said. So yeah bottom line is I loved it, especially the little mentions of Liara here and there. So please (I'm begging by the way) write some more of this. :D
Sempiternus Vigilia chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
dude u have 2 do another chap! lol n i agree more ash n femshep needed! ;P
YanHellsing chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
That is one of the best Ash & FemShep pieces I have read so far. I was so emotionally connected to the protagonits that it even got a bit weird. :) Well done!
HPequalsgreatlit chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Oh come on! You have to right another chapter! There are far to few femshep/ash pairings on here...

please? :)